
An implementation of Go's filesystem interface using an arbitrary io.ReadSeeker as an underlying data store.

Primary LanguageGo

SeekerFS: Another Go Filesystem Implementation

The seeker_fs package implements go1.16's filesystem interface in a flat binary format on top of the io.ReadSeeker and io.WriteSeeker interfaces.

To create a SeekerFS, pass an existing io/fs.FS instance to the seeker_fs.CreateSeekerFS(...) function. (Note that the FS passed to CreateSeekerFS must support the ReadDirFile interface on its directories, including the root . file.)

To read an existing SeekerFS, pass an io.ReadSeeker to the LoadSeekerFS(...) function.

Example Usage

import (

func main() {
    // ...

    // Assume that zipFile is a zip file that has been opened using os.Open,
    // and that fileSize is its size.
    zipFS, _ := zip.NewReader(zipFile, fileSize)

    // Create a SeekerFS in-memory.
    buffer := byte_utils.NewSeekableBuffer()
    e := seeker_fs.CreateSeekerFS(zipFS, buffer, nil)
    if e != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error creating SeekerFS from zip: %s\n", e)

    // Get a SeekerFS instance from the in-memory buffer.
    sfs, e := seeker_fs.LoadSeekerFS(buffer)
    if e != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error loading seeker FS: %s\n", e)

    // ... Use the "sfs" instance wherever you would use any other io/fs.FS.