newwaapi is an alternative mywaapi but using Baileys and yeah, it's Unofficial WhatsApp API made by me on NodeJs
- @whiskeysockets/baileys
- @adiwajshing/keyed-db
- @hapi/boom
- chalk
- nodemon
- qrcode-terminal
- figlet
- jimp
- link-preview-js
- node-fetch
- pino
- pm2
I'm always run this project using NodeJs version 16, so use NodeJs version 16 for better experience
Clone the project
git clone
or you can download the stable version from Here.
Go to the project directory
cd newwaapi
Install dependencies
yarn install
Create config file from example and edit it as you want
cp config.json.example config.json
To login/scan the QR code, run the command :
yarn start:dev
then scan qrCode from terminal. And when the bot is logged in, you can stop the bot and run the command :
yarn start
for production mode
List of scripts in package.json file
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "pm2 start index.js --name newwaapi -- pm2",
"start:dev": "nodemon index.js nodemon",
"restart": "pm2 restart newwaapi",
"stop": "pm2 stop newwaapi",
"status": "pm2 show newwaapi",
"kill": "pm2 delete newwaapi",
"logs": "pm2 logs newwaapi --lines 1000"
POST /send-message
Parameter | Type | Description |
number |
string |
Required. destination number |
message |
string |
Required. message you want to send |
GET /info
GET /get-config
POST /is-registered
Parameter | Type | Description |
number |
string |
Required. target number |
POST /send-media
Parameter | Type | Description |
number |
string |
Required. destination number/group id |
file |
string |
Required. url or base64 url data |
caption |
string |
file captions |
name |
string |
file name (work for document file) |
POST /send-group-message
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. destination number ( |
message |
string |
Required. message you want to send |
The group id can be obtained by sending a !groups message to the bot. then the bot will send all group data in which there are bots and you.
GET /get-groups
if you want it to be simpler and easier, use the following library to integrate newwaapi into your system
- Newwaapi PHP Lib (use the latest version for better experience)
I am Yayan Maulana, Web Developer from Bogor, Indonesia. I have a lot of experience in building web-based application systems like ERP, CRM. E-Commerce, etc. I am also a fast learner. Everything can be learned except for something I don't want to learn. Give me space, time and internet access so I can be anything.