
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generic-parser: Statically typed parser for generic sequences

generic-parser is a statically typed recursive descent parser written in TypeScript that can be applied for a generic sequence, not only a string. Since the rules written with generic-parser are type-aware, including its action parts, you can make the most of static type verification by TypeScript and code suggestions by your editor like Visual Studio Code.

Example with string:

// Assuming `factory` and `env` were initialized.

const rule = factory
    .choice(c => c
        .orSequence(s => s
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"), "part1")
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("def"))
            .action(({ part1 }) => {
                return part1.toUpperCase();
                // Type-aware! `part1` is recognized as a `string`.
        .or(r => r.seqEqual("xyz"))

const result1 = rule.match(0, "abcdef", env); // ✓ Match result: "ABC"
const result2 = rule.match(0, "abc", env);    // ✗ Not match
const result3 = rule.match(0, "xyz", env);    // ✓ Match result: "xyz"

Example with Array<number>:

// Assuming `factory` and `env` were initialized.

const rule = factory
    .choice(c => c
        .orSequence(s => s
            .and(r => r.seqEqual([0xAB, 0xCD]), "part2")
            .and(r => r.seqEqual([0xEF]))
            .action(({ part2 }) => {
                return part2[0];
                // Type-aware! `part2` is recognized as an `Array<number>`.
        .or(r => r.seqEqual([0x00]))

const result1 = rule.match(0, [0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF], env); // ✓ Match result: `0xAB`
const result2 = rule.match(0, [0xAB], env);             // ✗ Not match
const result3 = rule.match(0, [0x00], env);             // ✓ Match result: `[0x00]`

Getting started


npm install --save generic-parser

Code example with string

// 1. Import the library
import * as gp from "generic-parser";

// 2. Prepare a rule factory.
//     You can add environment variables as
//     `gp.makeStringEnv({ var1: ..., var2: ..., })`.
//     The environment variables can be accessed in action functions.
const makeEnv = () => gp.makeStringEnv();
const factory = new gp.RuleFactory<string, ReturnType<typeof makeEnv>>();

// 3. Define a rule
const rule = factory
    .choice(c => c
        .orSequence(s => s
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"))
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("def"))
        .or(r => r.seqEqual("xyz"))
// 4. Run the rule
const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());

Code example with Array<number>

// 1. Import the library
import * as gp from "generic-parser";

// 2. Prepare a rule factory.
//     You can add environment variables as
//     `gp.makeEnv<...>()({ var1: ..., var2: ..., })`.
//     The environment variables can be accessed in action functions.
const makeEnv = () => gp.makeEnv<number[]>()();
// ^ Note that due to typing issues, you need two `()`s.
const factory = new gp.RuleFactory<number[], ReturnType<typeof makeEnv>>();

// 3. Define a rule
const rule = factory
    .choice(c => c
        .orSequence(s => s
            .and(r => r.seqEqual([0xAB, 0xCD]))
            .and(r => r.seqEqual([0xEF]))
        .or(r => r.seqEqual([0x00]))
// 4. Run the rule
const result = rule.match(0, [0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF], makeEnv());

Related libraries

generic-parser is inspired by PEG.js (Note: PEG.js is succeeded by Peggy.). While generic-parser is not a parser-generator of Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) unlike PEG.js or Peggy, generic-parser is designed to parse a sequence that complies with PEG.

API references

  • Note: This part is still under construction.

makeEnv<(typeof target)>()([options])

Initializes a rule environment that will be passed through rules. You can pass options like makeEnv<...>()({ var1: ... }) so that the variables can be accessed within action functions. makeStringEnv() is a special version of makeEnv()() for a string target.

const makeEnv = () => gp.makeStringEnv();
// For number[]: const makeEnv = () => gp.makeEnv<number[]>()();

Note that you need two ()s for makeEnv. This is due to the typing issue of TypeScript (as of version 4.6.3) that you cannot bind the type arguments partially (c.f. TypeScript PR #26349). The first <...>() binds the type of target sequence, and the second () infers the rest of the type parameters that include the type of rule environment.

Rule.match(offset, target, env)

Runs the rule.

  • offset: number - an offset the matching starts at.
  • target: (typeof target) - a target sequence.
  • env - a rule environment.
const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());

The result contains the following propeties.

  • ok: boolean - whether the target matched the rule or not. If ok is true, the result provides the following additional properties.
    • value: (typeof target) - the part of the target the rule matched.
    • nextOffset: number - the next offset following the part the rule matched.


A utility that generates rules. Once you initialized a RuleFactory, you can re-use it for several times.

const factory = new gp.RuleFactory<number[], ReturnType<typeof makeEnv>>();

You can generate a rule using several methods provided by the RuleFactory instance.

const rule = factory


Generates a rule that matches any one item of the target sequence at the current offset.

const rule = factory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "a"


Generates a rule that matches an exact sequence.

  • sequence: (typeof target) - an sequence that should exactly match at the current offset.
const rule = factory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "abc"


Generates a rule that matches an exact item in items.

  • items: WithIncludes<(typeof target)[number]> - the items one of that should exactly match at the current offset. WithIncludes is a type that has .includes(item) method, such as Array or string.
const rule = factory
    .oneOf(["a", "b", "c"]) // can be replaced with "abc"

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "a"


For a string target only. Generates a rule that matches an RegExp pattern re. .regExp(re) returns a matched string as the value, while .regExpObj(re) returns the object that RegExp.exec() returned.

  • re: RegExp - a sequence that should exactly match at the current offset.
const rule = factory
    .seqEqual(/^abc/) // Make sure "^" if you want to match at the current offset.

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "abc"

.zeroOrOne((factory) => rule)

Generates a rule that optionally matches the rule. Returns undefined as the matched value if the rule not matched.

const rule = factory
    .zeroOrOne(r => r.seqEqual("abc")) // Note that `r` is a new RuleFactory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "abc"

.zeroOrMore((factory) => rule)
.oneOrMore((factory) => rule)

Generates a rule that matches the rule zero/one or more times. Those rules return a sequence of matched values as the result value.

const rule = factory
    .oneOrMore(r => r.seqEqual("abc")) // Note that `r` is a new RuleFactory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcabcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: ["abc", "abc"]

.nextIs((factory) => rule)
.nextIsNot((factory) => rule)

Generates a rule that matches/does not match the rule. Those rules do not forward the offset (do not consume the input) and return undefined as the result value.

const rule = factory
    .nextIs(r => r.seqEqual("abc")) // Note that `r` is a new RuleFactory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: undefined


Generates a rule that matches when an action function func returns a value other than null. The item at the current offset will be passed as item in the parameter options of action function func. This rule forwards the offset by one (consumes one item), and returns the value returned by func.

const rule = factory
    .oneMatch(({ item }) => {
        return (item === "a") ? "A" : null;

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "A"

.asSlice((factory) => rule)

Generates a rule that matches the rule. This rule returns a matched slice of the target regardless of the type of the value of rule.

const rule = factory
    .asSlice(r => r.oneOrMore("abc")) // Note that `r` is a new RuleFactory

const result = rule.match(0, "abcabcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "abcabc"

.sequence(s => s .and((factory) => rule1) .and((factory) => rule2) ...)

Generates a rule that matches a sequence of rule1, rule2, ... This rule returns a sequence that consists of returned values of the contained rules.

An rule in the .sequence() is specified by the special method .and((factory) => rule, [label]).

  • label: string = null - if specified, the match result value will be contained in the parameter object of the action function with the name of the label.

If you want to omit a result from the resulting sequence, you can use .andOmit((factory) => rule) instead of .and().

const rule = factory
    .sequence(s => s
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"))
        .andOmit(r => r.seqEqual("def")) // will be omitted from the result
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("ghi"))

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdefghi", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: ["abc", "ghi"]

You can specify an .action(func) at the last of rules. If the action speficied, the .sequence() rule returns the value that the action function func returned.

const rule = factory
    .sequence(s => s
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"), "part1")
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("def"))
        .action(({ part1 }) => {
            return part1.toUpperCase();

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: "ABC"

.choice(c => c .or((factory) => rule1) .or((factory) => rule2) ...)

Generates a rule that matches one of rule1, rule2, ... The .choice runs the contained rules in order and returns the first successful match.

An rule in the .choice() is specified by the special method .or((factory) => rule). You can use .orSequence(s => s.and...) as a shorthand of .or(r => r.sequence(s => s.and...)).

const rule = factory
    .choice(c => c
        .or(r => r.seqEqual("123")) // Not match
        .or(r => r.seqEqual("456")) // Not match
        .orSequence(s => s          // Match
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"))
            .and(r => r.seqEqual("def"))
        .or(r => r.seqEqual("xyz")) // Not to be run

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: ["abc", "def"]


Generates a rule that matches when an action function func returns truthy/falsy value. Those rules do not forward offset (do not consume the input) and return undefined as the result value.

const rule = factory
    .sequence(s => s
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("abc"), "part1")
        .andOmit(r => r
            .assert(({ part1 }) => part1.startsWith("a"))
        .and(r => r.seqEqual("def"))

const result = rule.match(0, "abcdef", makeEnv());
// result.ok: true, result.value: ["abc", "def"]

Action function

The action function used in such as .assert(func) and .action(func) will be called an object which contains the following variables.

  • offset: () => number: a function that returns the current offset that matching of the current rule started.
  • range: () => [start: number, end: number]: a function that returns the range of offsets that matched the rule. The range is half-open, so that end is the next offset of the matched part.
  • text: () => (typeof target): a function that returns the matched slice of the target. For example, it will return an Array if the input target is Array, and string if the input is string.

The parameter object will contain the variables that have been captured by the rules inside .sequence().