HipChat Logger is a ruby script to backup/archive your HipChat rooms.
Tested with Ruby 1.9.3
bundle install
cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml
Edit config.yml:
- Add your HipChat API token/key config.yml (Note: This requires an admin level API token)user_netid_mappings
- will map HipChat user full name to the user's netid and addnetid=
to the log filesignored_users
- Add any username or user_id that you want to ignore when archiving messages
Run with options
- specifies the logging level (Note: This does not affect the hipchat message log files) -- supports debug|warn|info|error -- default is info-d
- specify the day you want archived -- defaults to today -- must be formatted asYYYY-mm-dd
./run_hipchat_logger.rb -l debug -d 2012-09-01
This will turn debugging on and archive any HipChat content from September 1, 2012.