
Microwork - simple creation of distributed scalable microservices in node.js with RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Microwork.js is a library for simple creation of distributed scalable microservices in node.js with RabbitMQ.


npm install --save microwork


Since Microwork.js is written in ES6 and it uses async/await - it requires latest stable node (7.x or later).


  • Simple interface for building distributed (micro)services
  • Easy way to scale services both horizontally (by adding more nodes) and vertically (by adding more subscribers)
  • Extensible with plugins


Quick start

Example service that subscribe to messages from do.work topic and does some work with incoming data (in this case it just appends world! to incoming string):

const Microwork = require('microwork');

// create task runner
const runner = new Microwork({host: 'your.rabbit.host', exchange: 'your.exchange'});
// add worker to specific topic
await runner.subscribe('do.work', (msg, reply) => {
  reply('response.topic', msg + ' world!');
// after work is done - cleanup
await runner.stop();

Example service that subscribes to messages from response.topic and logs them to console, as well as sends processing request to previously defined service:

const Microwork = require('microwork');

// create master
const master = new Microwork({host: 'your.rabbit.host', exchange: 'your.exchange'});
// listen for reply from workers
await master.subscribe('response.topic', msg => {
  console.log(msg); // -> "hello world!"
// send message to workers
await master.send('do.work', 'hello');

// after work is done - cleanup
await master.stop();

For more examples see project documentation.
