
Simple session authentication built with Remix, Postgres and Prisma.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple session authentication built with Remix, Postgres and Prisma.


These are the required binaries you need to have installed in order to run the project:

  • Node.js version >= 18.0.0
  • Docker

Running locally

  • Install dependencies: pnpm install
  • Copy the example environment variables: cp .example.env .env
  • Generate a Prisma client: pnpm exec prisma generate
  • Run the Postgres database and pgAdmin: docker compose up
  • Start the development Remix server: pnpm dev

Accessing the database

You should have two containers running:

  • remix-session-auth-postgres for the Postgres database.
  • remix-session-auth-pgadmin for the pgAdmin database management web interface.

With pgAdmin (GUI)

You can access the Postgres database through pgAdmin on http://localhost:5050. These are the default login credentials (provided in .env):

  • Email: admin@admin.com
  • Password: 1234

With psql (CLI)

docker exec -it remix-session-auth-postgres psql -U admin