- a-laborieToulouse
- AlexDenisov@flexaihq
- astroestebanYork Space Systems
- braghomeCarita Revolution
- denjiKyiv, UA
- ebw44
- EeeLo
- guidoSNT
- jjyprogrammer
- kstruyvenBelgium
- leighgarbs@nasa
- lorenzo-gomez-windhoverWindhover Labs
- losttem
- m-scSpace Applications Services
- mrfearsears
- neil1993
- nmaas87Germany
- onoraba
- OpenSourceIronmanOut of the Box Astronautics LLC
- planetmakerInstitute for Geophysics and extraterrestrial Physics, Technische Universität Braunschweig
- rationalthug
- spacefanMgcSat
- stanislawPTS
- thebigGHouston, Texas
- tomvanbraeckelBelgium
- tuyucheng777Wuhan,China
- xpromacheSpace Applications Services