Onyx ERP integration Magento 2 module

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This module syncs your Magento store with Onyx ERP by Ultimate Solutions, modules like Categories, Products, Customers and Orders are being synced typically every one hour. For more info about Onyx ERP please visit: http://www.ultimate-eg.net


  • Magento 2.2.* Stable
  • Enable Single store mode from Magento admin panel or you will have to manually assign products to stores.


Use composer to install this extension, install our module using the following command:

composer require ultimate-eg/onyx-magento2

If any errors are returned after this command, just run composer update immediately.

Next, install the new module into Magento itself by running this command in Magento base directory:

php bin/magento module:enable Ultimate_Onyx
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Check whether the module is succesfully installed in Admin > Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced.

Make sure that you have installed Magento cron jobs by this command php bin/magento cron:install if not so please run this command as it's critical for synchronization. If this command returns any errors, please refer to https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.2/config-guide/cli/config-cli-subcommands-cron.html


  1. First: Set your API settings in Admin > System > Onyx ERP > API Settings.
  2. Second: Test API by clicking Sync Now button.
  3. Finally: Watch all changes done by the module in Admin > System > Onyx ERP > Sync Log.