Moments - API

Project description

Moments is a social media platform. It has been designed for its users to share their life's moments. The application consists of the React app and an API. Welcome to the Django Rest Framework API project section.

User stories

Category as I want to so that I can mapping API feature
auth user register for an account have a personal profile with a picture dj-rest-auth
Create profile (signals)
auth user register for an account create, like and comment on posts Create post
Create comment
Create like
auth user register for an account follow users Create follower
posts visitor view a list of posts browse the most recent uploads List/ Filter posts
posts visitor view an individual post see user feedback, i.e. likes and read comments Retrieve post
posts visitor search a list of posts find a post by a specific artist or a title List/ Filter posts
posts visitor scroll through a list of posts browse the site more comfortably List/ Filter posts
posts user edit and delete my post correct or hide any mistakes Update property
Destroy property
posts user create a post share my moments with others Create post
posts user view liked posts go back often to my favourite posts List/ Filter posts
posts user view followed users' posts keep up with my favourite users' moments List/ Filter posts
likes user like a post express my interest in someone's shared moment Create like
likes user unlike a post express that my interest in someone's shared moment has faded away Destroy like
comments user create a comment share my thoughts on other people's content Create comment
comments user edit and delete my comment correct or hide any mistakes Update comment
Destroy comment
profiles user view a profile see a user's recent posts + post, followers, following count data Retrieve profile
List/ filter posts
profiles user edit a profile update my profile information Update profile
followers user follow a profile express my interest in someone's content Create follower
followers user unfollow a profile express that my interest in someone's content has faded away and remove their posts from my feed Destroy follower

Entity Relationship Diagram


Models and CRUD breakdown

model endpoints create retrieve update delete filter text search
users users/
yes yes yes no no no
profiles profiles/
yes (signals) yes yes no following
likes likes/
yes yes no yes no no
comments comments/
yes yes yes yes post no
followers followers/
yes yes no yes no no
posts posts/
yes yes yes yes profile


  • Posts app:
    • logged out users can list posts
    • logged in users can create a post
    • logged out users can't create a post
    • logged out users can retrieve a post with a valid id
    • logged out users can't retrieve a post with an invalid id
    • logged in users can update a post they own
    • logged in users can't update a post they don't own

Deployment steps

  • set the following environment variables:
  • installed the following libraries to handle database connection:
    • psycopg2
    • dj-database-url
  • configured dj-rest-auth library for JWTs
  • set allowed hosts
  • configured CORS:
    • set allowed_origins
  • set default renderer to JSON
  • added Procfile with release and web commands
  • gitignored the file
  • generated requirements.txt
  • deployed to Heroku

Happy coding!