I always consider programming to be the closest modern equivalent to magic. 🦄
@lunit-ioSeoul, Republic of Korea
yami03's Following
- adhrinaeNHN Cloud
- AhyoungRyu@sendbird
- brunosimonCreative Journey
- cocodevsSeoul, Republic of Korea
- daybrush@naver @daybrush
- devxoul@indentcorp
- drecali@lunit-io
- dwnyHCake
- easylogic@summernote @easylogic @elf-framework
- egoing
- evan-moon@Lubycon, @toss
- findawayerSeoul
- ganni
- giyeonkwonElice (coding education platform)
- hi-sooyeonSeoul, Republic of Korea
- hiddenest@append-hq
- iamssenSeoul, Korea
- juchanhwangcodestates
- jy7123943Banksalad
- kentcdodds@epicweb-dev
- kwangsooshinSeoul, Korea
- Kyounghwan01Seoul,Korea
- letsdoyiSeoul, Korea
- lunar-
- markeriksonOH, USA
- mjh7313
- myeongwon
- oddmjVanilla Coding
- resetmerlin@tossinvest
- shkyung
- SoYoung210Seoul, Korea
- sujinleeme@adjust
- syaringkurly
- wooder2050@vessl-ai
- yceffort?????