
Making an amazon website clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Amazon site clone

Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U55XCQNCdcE&list=RDCMUC2xRE4hUCQ3xO3ymEtMh1Hw&index=2

Until now :

  1. The products json in data.js is used in index.js via the HomeScreen.js

  2. renders html in javascript in HomeScreen.js

  3. The product page gets loaded when clicked . done with url parsing. Intelligent work. (see app.js and utils.js)

  4. product data know loaded from the server using fetch 'localhost:3000/api/products' rounter function in app.js made async so is the Homescree.js

  5. Webpack added. the work of webpack is it merge many js files into one : "main.js"(automatically created and used) also

  6. we are using axios.js here replacing fetch() for http requests. Replace fetch with axios

  1. A .Use of babel ( for converting server side ES5 compatible to ES6 syntax . Hence in server.js change require to import from)

  2. B. enable code lint. (eslint)

  1. Star ratings added see the ratings.js

  2. Product UI

  3. connected to mongodb in backend


  5. new pm pack : jsonwebtoken ( helps to generate a token ) , express-async-handler( handles all async function in express )

  6. SignIn feature

  7. Make header Independent

  8. "Loading..." overlay Feature is added when data loads in homescreen, signin , productScreen etc ALL the Async function.

  9. "Invalid pass-email" message overlay added

  10. Add " create Accout section " and makke a new user

  11. Added a "Change Profile: password , name, email"

  12. Added Signout button

  13. Added Shipping screen

  14. Added PlaceOrder Screen

This Commit :