Amazon site clone
Youtube link :
The products json in data.js is used in index.js via the HomeScreen.js
renders html in javascript in HomeScreen.js
The product page gets loaded when clicked . done with url parsing. Intelligent work. (see app.js and utils.js)
product data know loaded from the server using fetch 'localhost:3000/api/products' rounter function in app.js made async so is the Homescree.js
Webpack added. the work of webpack is it merge many js files into one : "main.js"(automatically created and used) also
we are using axios.js here replacing fetch() for http requests. Replace fetch with axios
A .Use of babel ( for converting server side ES5 compatible to ES6 syntax . Hence in server.js change require to import from)
B. enable code lint. (eslint)
Star ratings added see the ratings.js
Product UI
connected to mongodb in backend
new pm pack : jsonwebtoken ( helps to generate a token ) , express-async-handler( handles all async function in express )
SignIn feature
Make header Independent
"Loading..." overlay Feature is added when data loads in homescreen, signin , productScreen etc ALL the Async function.
"Invalid pass-email" message overlay added
Add " create Accout section " and makke a new user
Added a "Change Profile: password , name, email"
Added Signout button
Added Shipping screen
Added PlaceOrder Screen