
dotnet-yammersdk - build windows universal apps using the yammer fabric

Primary LanguageC#


This projects provides a sample Win8.1 & Windows Phone 8 app using the YammerSDK NuGet Package.

The NuGet Package provides a set of classes and clients that makes it easy to integrate the social fabric that Yammer provides with your Windows 8/WP8 Applications. This API provides clients for OAuth'ing with yammer, posting activities and reading/posting messages in Yammer, as well as uploading files.

The NuGet package supports projects targeting .NET Framework 4.5 and above, or .NET for Windows Store apps/Windows Phone Store Apps. When consuming a library that uses this package the Microsot BCL dependencies (listed in the dependencies section) will need to be installed for the project to behave correctly at runtime. This package is not supported in Visual Studio 2010

Supported Platforms:

  • .NET Framework 4.5+
  • .NET for Windows Store apps
  • Windows Phone 8+
  • Portable Class Libraries

Go to the Documentation section to get started with the SDK.