
ECMAScript 학습 저장소

Primary LanguageJavaScript

러닝 ECMAScript

ECMAScript(JavaScript)에 대해 학습합니다.

  1. code structure
  2. variables
  3. global this
  4. strict mode
  5. data types
  6. type conversion
  7. operations
  8. comparison operator
  9. if else
  10. logical operators
  11. switch
  12. nullish
  13. while
  14. do while
  15. for
  16. for in
  17. for of
  18. function declare
  19. function expression
  20. function arrow
  21. function recursion
  22. object
  23. copy vs reference
  24. garbage collection
  25. object methods and this
  26. optional chaining
  27. symbol
  28. number type
  29. primitives methods
  30. string type
  31. array type
  32. array methods
  33. iterable object
  34. try catch
  35. eval
