Java Full Stack Engineer Interview Questions

Question 1A: DIY Producer Consumer Pattern

Using the given stub class (, implement a simple blocking producer/consumer pattern with the following behaviors and characteristics:

  • A producer thread that enqueues random integers to its shared queue
  • A consumer thread that consumes and prints integers from the queue to standard out
  • A fully thread-safe, blocking queue mechanism shared between the producer and consumer threads
  • Absolutely no use of the java.util.concurrent package
  • You may modify the original source as desired to improve the overall design. Be prepared to explain your improvements.

Question 1B: (More) Modern Producer Consumer Pattern

  • Implement a solution to Question 1A again. You are permitted to use java.util.concurrent.


  • JDK 11
  • maven 3

Code style

I used google code style format - intellij-java-google-style.xml. Settings -> Code style -> Scheme -> Import scheme.

How to run

  1. You need java 11. You need maven 3
  2. Build with maven
mvn clean package
  1. Run the app in the console
java -jar ./target/producer-consumer-pattern-challenge-jar-with-dependencies.jar