
Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Neighborhood Maps - front-end nano-degree @ Udaciy

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This is the 8th project for the Udacity front-end developer course.

Jordan Tour is a WebApplication we're you can see a bunch of location remarked with Google Maps markers which are abstracted using Foursquare API. It also has a search menu that also includes a list that will make the marker bounce if you click on it.

Powered by GoogleMaps and Foursquare

How to open the page.

Clone this repository into your machine and open the Terminal/Bash inside the repo.
On your terminal: run these commands indivisually after you cd into the folder:
	npm install
    npm start
Open the link below in your browser:
Have fun.


for me to accomplish the tasks of this project I've 
taken the course at Udaciy.com and I've used the help 
of the internet:
(Github.com , stackoverflow.com, developers.Google.com, reactjs.org/
 www.npmjs.com, https://snazzymaps.com/)
*for further questions don't hesitate to contact me via email --> yanalotaibi@gmail.com

yanal otaibi :) .