This is the 8th project for the Udacity front-end developer course.
Jordan Tour is a WebApplication we're you can see a bunch of location remarked with Google Maps markers which are abstracted using Foursquare API. It also has a search menu that also includes a list that will make the marker bounce if you click on it.
Powered by GoogleMaps and Foursquare
Clone this repository into your machine and open the Terminal/Bash inside the repo.
On your terminal: run these commands indivisually after you cd into the folder:
npm install
npm start
Open the link below in your browser:
Have fun.
for me to accomplish the tasks of this project I've
taken the course at and I've used the help
of the internet:
( ,,,,
*for further questions don't hesitate to contact me via email -->
yanal otaibi :) .