
scrapes and downloads manga from MangaStream, like a cat, Javascript-style

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Manga Cat ヽ(^‥^=ゞ)

Manga Cat is a Node.js CLI (command line interface) that scrapes and downloads manga from MangaStream, like a cat, Javascript-style. This project is purely educational purposes and serve as a pet project for me to learn more about Javascript and Node.

Please support MangaStream for bringing high-quality manga and the authors who wrote the manga you're reading.



npm install manga-cat -g


Usage: manga-cat [options]


  -h, --help            output usage information
  -V, --version         output the version number
  -l, --list            output full manga list information
  -r, --releases        output latest releases information
  -d, --download <url>  download all available chapters from given url (e.g. http://mangastream.com/manga/toriko)

Downloads will appear in a downloads directory within manga-cat.

You can also combine -l and -r commands with grep to search for certain titles in the manga or releases list. By default, they return the full list.

For example: manga-cat -r | grep -A 2 -i 'air gear' will narrow down your search to returning the title, 'Air Gear' and displaying the next 2 lines after the match.


  1. git clone https://github.com/yanandcoffee/manga-cat.git
  2. cd manga-cat && npm install
  3. npm link and you can use start using manga-cat in terminal

Now you can develop locally by changing the index.js script and run all manga-cat commands in your terminal.

##Issues If you find any bugs, please report them in the Issues section.