
Copy & paste of Android examples from the AllJoyn repository for use at Cloud Identity Summit 2014

Primary LanguageJava

AllJoyn Java Samples for Android README

This directory contains the following set of AllJoyn usage samples:

simple - This sample shows how to connect to a local AllJoyn daemon in order to publish an AllJoyn object that implements a very simple interface. The sample also shows how to connect to the local daemon in order to execute a method on the published object.

secure - This sample shows how to enable authentication and encryption for the simple sample. The service supports multiple authentication mechanisms. Each client supports one of the authentication mechanisms. Most of the fun is here: https://github.com/tkellogg/alljoyn-examples/blob/master/secure/service/src/org/alljoyn/bus/samples/secureservice/

properties - This sample shows how to use AllJoyn properties in an AllJoyn interface.

chat - This sample shows how to use discovery to connect with other devices.

contacts - This sample shows how to use AllJoyn methods to send complex data types.

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