
Primary LanguageC++

This Repository Contains the implementation of a research prototype for Caerus. It builds on the Calvin opensource code at https://github.com/kunrenyale/CalvinDB

Currently, we do not support the Calvin and SLOG sequencers; however, we hope to change this.

Caerus has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04. By default, Caerus binds threads to cpus 0-23.
Furthermore, sufficient system memory is required as Caerus is an in-memory database; we recommend at least 64GB.

Caerus requires packages:
unzip g++ cmake libboost-all-dev libevent-dev libdouble-conversion-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev libiberty-dev
libreadline-dev liblz4-dev liblzma-dev libsnappy-dev make zlib1g-dev binutils-dev libjemalloc-dev libssl-dev pkg-config
libunwind-dev libtool protobuf gflags zeromq glog

install-ext will install all of these for you


#install required libraries

#setup environment so code will compile
source setup

#complile code
cd src
make -j
cd ../

# to run a simple a single node locally
# NOTE: It is not suggested unless you have a powerful machine

Caerus supports two workloads, TPC-C and MovR. We would like to support more in the future.
--experiment controls which workload will be run

Caerus has a built-in load generator; the option --batch_size will dictate the load on the system. Each machine will
submit 200 * batch_size transactions per second to the system

--locality_size will group regions into locality groups; this defaults to no locality groups


--percent_mp controls the percent of multi-warehouse transactions

--percent_mr controls the percent of multi-warehouse transactions that are multi-region

--hot_records controls the number of warehouses

./bin/scripts/caerus_server --machine_id=0 --experiment="TPC-C" --config=local.conf --max_batch_size=10 --percent_mr=10 --percent_mp=0 --hot_records=240
./bin/scripts/caerus_server --machine_id=1 --experiment="TPC-C" --config=local.conf --max_batch_size=10 --percent_mr=10 --percent_mp=0 --hot_records=240

Will run TPC-C on Caerus with two replicas and a single partition on the local machine


--percent_mp controls the percent of multi-partition transactions

--percent_mr controls the percent of multi-region transactions.
When locality_size is set 1/3 of multi-region transactions will be outside the locality group, while 2/3 will be within the
locality group

--hot_records controls the number of vehicles

./bin/scripts/caerus_server --machine_id=0 --experiment="MovR" --config=local.conf --max_batch_size=10 --percent_mr=10 --percent_mp=0 --hot_records=240
./bin/scripts/caerus_server --machine_id=1 --experiment="MovR" --config=local.conf --max_batch_size=10 --percent_mr=10 --percent_mp=0 --hot_records=240

Will run MovR on Caerus with two replicas and a single partition on the local machine

cluster is a script that will deploy Caerus across a cluster of machines specified in the config file cluster.conf

cluster.conf contains the machine information for the cluster. Each line contains the information for a single machine
with the format <machine_id>:<replica>:<address>:<port>.

#creates the directory specified in --path and pushes the contents of src to all machines
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="push-code" --path="~/caerus" --username=<username>  --config="cluster.conf"

#copies the config file to all machines
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="put-config" --path="~/caerus" --username=<username> --config="cluster.conf"

#installs all required libraries at each machine
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="install-ext" --path="~/caerus" --username=<username> --config="cluster.conf"

#compile the code on each machine
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="make" --path="~/caerus" --username=<username> --config="cluster.conf"

#runs Caerus across the cluster as specified by the workload parameters --experiment, --hot_records, --max_batch_size, --percent_mr, --percent_mp, --locality_size
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="start" --path="~/caerus" --type=1 --username=<username> --config="cluster.conf" --experiment="MovR" --hot_records=10000 --max_batch_size=10 --percent_mr=10 --percent_mp=0

#kills all running Caerus instances
./bin/scripts/cluster --command="kill" --username=<username> --config="cluster.conf"