Linking Land Registry Price Paid Data (PPD) and Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

This project shows the code developed as part of the authors' article which was accepted by Scientific Data on the 3rd July 2020. The linked dataset and code are deposited with the UK Data Service Reshare (, and were published on 4/11/2020. Scientific Data declined the publication in 11/11/2020 due to data being open access rather than the open data as they request. We temporal close the Reshare record. UCL Open: Environment accepted the article on 7 May 2021. Now the article is pubished in UCL Open: Environment(, and codes and data are published in the UKDA ( Codes will allow for future updates beyond 2019. This Github repository offers the guidance on how to condcute the linkage with the codes in UK Data Service Reshare 854240. This research is not allowed to be used commercially.

For those who interested in the latest house price per square metre data, there will be one published by Greater London Authority (GLA).

1. Getting Started

All matching rules were written in R with data inputs and outputs stored in a PostGIS database. Figure 1 displays the whole work flowchart.

                                                           Figure 1 A work flow of this project

1.1 Create a new spatial database in PostgreSQL

Create a new PostGIS database and named as datajournal ( Here, the password of postgres user is assumed to be 123456.

1.2 Set the working directory for R

The process for setting the working directory is listed below:

  • Create a directory named "R" on your D: drive.
  • Create a sub-directory named "matchcasa1" in "R" folder.
  • Put the rulechi.csv file in the "matchcasa1" folder.
  • Put the Output_Area_2011_to_Builtup_Area_Subdivision_to_Builtup_Area_to_Local_Authority_District_to_Region_December_2011_Lookup_in_England_and_Wales.csv file in the "matchcasa1" folder.


1.3 Read the Land Registry PPD into datajournal database

Download the Land Registry PPD from the UK goverment website ( and the save pp-complete.csv in your D: drive. Here we offer the version used in this research of of pp-complete.csv in UKDA ReShare(predicted DOI : Runing the Read_LR_PPD.sql to read all the Land Registry PPD into datajournal database

1.4 Read in Domestic EPCs in datajournal database

The Domestic EPC dataset is open and available on-line from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government - MHCLG ( The EPC dataset used in this research is download in 24/10/2019 (the third released version). It contains 18,575,357 certificates issued between 1/10/2008 and 31/5/2019.

1.5 Clean up Land Registry PPD in datajournal database before linkage

Run the Data_cleaning.sql to clean up the transactions which are not sold at full market value or for which the property type is 'Other'. Before matching, transactions in Land Registry PPD with postcodes in the Domestic EPC dataset are selected for using in the following linkage (section 2); Domestic EPC dataset with postcodes in Land Registry PPD are also selected for using in the the following linkage (section 2).

1.6 Read in the National Statistics Postcode Lookup(NSPL) in datajournal database

Download NSPL (November 2019) from the Open Geography portal of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) ( and save NSPL_NOV_2019_UK.csv in your D Drive. Run the Read_NSPL.sql to read the NSPL into datajournal database.

2. Data linkage

A matching method containing a four-stage (251 matching rule) process was designed to achieve the address matching. An example of each matching rule is listed in linkage_example.csv. The code for this linkage is PPD_EPC_linkage.R. Figure 2 displays a screenshot of PPD_EPC_linkage R code. Utilizing this R code, two results are achieved:

  • casa is the linked results from the four stages matching
  • result2 is the linked result with the recent EPC matched by transaction date for each transaction. It refers the linked_EPC PPD in figure 1.

                                                     Figure 2. Snapshot of the PPD_EPC_linkage R code

NOTE: For each matching rule, users are able use the checkre1 function to get a ramdom 5 sample of the related linked result.

3. Evaluation of the data linkage

Run Evaluation.R. This process evaluates the performance of data linkage to idenitfy for which years information loses through matching are relatively small. It firstly investigates overall annual match rate to choose an initial time period. Futher investigation is conducted for the initial time period by iinvestigating the data information lost before and after linkage with three methods( visualization through the data distribution before and after linkage, K-S test and J-divergence method for the dataset before and after linkage). A final time period of the linked dataset is decided by considering the results of these three methods.

3.1 Annual match rate between 1995 and 2019

                                                     Figure 3. Match rate of linked house price in England and Wales,1995-2019

The match rate between 2011 and 2019 is higher than 90%, while the match rate of the rest for the period is considerably lower, this is mainly due to the EPC dataset only covering the period between 1/10/2008 and 31/8/2019. The match rate of 56.20% in 2008 is particularly low but rapidly increases to over 88 % after 2010. Since the match rate before 2008 is significantly lower than for the period after 2008, only the linked data between 2009 and 2019 are used to conduct the evaluation of data linkage.

3.2 Evaluation of data linkage between 2009 and 2019

(1) Compare of the house price frequency distributions for the Land Registry PPD and the linked PPD data to offers a clearer picture of matching performance(for detials seen the article).

(2) K-S test and J-divergence method The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K-S test) and the Jeffreys divergence (J-divergence) are used to quantify the extent of house price information lost (fro detials seen the article).

3.3 Linked PPD between 2011 and 2019

(1) Overall Match rate between 2011 and 2019

The overall match rate for this period is 93.15%. The match rates for detached, semi-detached or terraced houses are around 94%. Address elements for the Flats/Maisonettes category are more detailed than for detached, semi-detached or terraced houses. This makes linking the Flats/Maisonettes transactions with their domestic EPCs more difficult with a lower match rate. The match rate for Flats/Maisonettes (88.62%) is lower than the rates for houses (Table 1).

          Table 1. Summary of the matching for property type, 2011-2019

Property type Land Registry PPD Linked data Match rate
Detached 1,802,813 1,682,801 93.34%
Flats/Maisonettes 1,369,376 1,213,548 88.62%
Semi-Detached 2,001,380 1,901,929 95.03%
Terraced 2,075,690 1,955,057 94.19%

(2) Overall match rate at local authority level 70% of local authorities in England and Wales have an annual match rate over 90% for every year from 2011 to 2019, while 98% have a match rate over 80% for every year (for detials seen the article).

4. Data cleaning

6,753,307 records of linked data can be geo-referenced by linking the NSPL between 1/1/2011 and 31/10/2019 in England and Wales. This data comprises the transaction information in the Land Registry PPD together with property size (total floor area and number of habitable rooms) in EPCs. Since some properties’ total floor area and number of habitable rooms are recorded in EPCs with missing or untenable values (e.g. total floor area records as 0.01), this data is excluded prior to analysis. Code for this section is Data_cleaning.R.

5. User note for the linked data

One final data set is associated with this work – the linked geo-referenced PPD dataset for January 2011 to October 2019. This new linked dataset details 5,732,838 transactions in England and Wales along with each property's total floor area and the number of habitable rooms, but also includes a new unique identifier (id) and all the other non-address fields (except LMK_KEY field) in the Domestic EPC dataset. Codes for other commonly used spatial units from Output Area (OA) to region are also included in the dataset. tran2011_19_example.csv is a sample of the newly linked data. It contains 105 fields writen in capital letter or small letter. All the fields written in upper case come from Domestic EPCs (MHCLG), the remaining fields written in lower case are described in Table 2.

          Table 2. Explanations of important fields in the new attribute-linked residential property price dataset

Field name Explanation Data resource example
id A unique identifier in Domestic EPCs Authors' own 10000000
transactionid Transaction unique identifier HM Land Registry {5F2B8B60-B9D0-4F00-8561-8BBF0C991BE1}
oa11 The 2011 Census Output Area (OA) code NSPL E00155821
postcode Postcode information of the property HM Land Registry KT22 7LN
price Sale price (transfer deed) HM Land Registry 187250
dateoftransfer Date when the sale was completed HM Land Registry 2014-07-11
propertytype Indicates the type of house: D = Detached, S = Semi-Detached, T = Terraced, F = Flats/Maisonettes HM Land Registry F
oldnew Y refers a newly built property and N refers an established residential building. . If the property is firstly sold since 1995 it will identify as ‘a newly built property’ HM Land Registry N
duration The tenure of property: freehold, leasehold HM Land Registry L
paon Primary Addressable Object Name HM Land Registry BURLEIGH COURT
saon Secondary Addressable Object Name. HM Land Registry FLAT 10
street HM Land Registry BELMONT ROAD
locality HM Land Registry NULL
towncity HM Land Registry LEATHERHEAD
district HM Land Registry MOLE VALLEY
county HM Land Registry SURREY
categorytype A = Standard Price Paid entry, includes single residential property sold for full market value HM Land Registry A
recordstatus Indicates additions, changes and deletions to the records: A = Addition; C = Change; D = Delete. HM Land Registry A
year Year when the sale was completed Authors' own 2014
lsoa11 The 2011 Census Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) code NSPL E01030550
msoa11 The 2011 Census Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) code NSPL E02006364
laua The 2011 Census local authority district code Output Area (2011) to Built-up Area Sub-division to Built-up Area to Local Authority District to Region (December 2011) Lookup in England and Wales E07000210
lad11nm The 2011 Census local authority district name Output Area (2011) to Built-up Area Sub-division to Built-up Area to Local Authority District to Region (December 2011) Lookup in England and Wales Mole Valley
gor The 2011 Census region district code Output Area (2011) to Built-up Area Sub-division to Built-up Area to Local Authority District to Region (December 2011) Lookup in England and Wales E12000008
rgn11nm The 2011 Census region name Output Area (2011) to Built-up Area Sub-division to Built-up Area to Local Authority District to Region (December 2011) Lookup in England and Wales South East
classt Indicates for 1:1 and 1:n relationship of the linked data in the address mathcing. 11 refers to 1:1 relationship; 12 refers refers to 1:n relationship Authors' own 12
propertytype_epc Describes the type of property. e.g. Maisonette, Flat, House, Bungalow, Park home. MHCLG Flat
inspectiondate The date that the inspection was actually carried out by the energy assessor. MHCLG 2019-05-08
lodgementdate Date lodged on the Energy Performance of Buildings Register. MHCLG 2019-05-08
tfarea Total floor area: The total useful floor area is the total of all enclosed spaces measured to the internal face of the external walls, the gross floor area as measured in accordance with the guidance issued from time to time by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors or by a body replacing that institution. MHCLG 46
numberrooms Number of habitable rooms: Habitable rooms include any living room, sitting room, dining room, bedroom, study and similar; and also a non-separated conservatory. A kitchen/diner having a discrete seating area (with space for a table and four chairs) also counts as a habitable room. A non-separated conservatory adds to the habitable room count if it has an internal quality door between it and the dwelling. Excluded from the room count are any room used solely as a kitchen, utility room, bathroom, cloakroom, en-suite accommodation and similar; any hallway, stairs or landing; and also any room not having a window MHCLG 2
priceper House price per square metre Authors' own 4070.652

NOTE: Since the address strings for the same property in the Land Registry PPD and Domestic EPC dataset sometimes differ (e.g. 'WOODLANDS PARK' VS 'WOODLAND PARK'; 'CLEATOR STREET' VS 'CLEATER STREET'), we manualy correct this type of mismatch address string for the properties located in England between 1995 to 2016. This potentially makes the match rate in Wales relatively lower than in England. We will correct this kind of mismatch for Wales in the future.

🐬 User suggestions: 🐬

Below is a brief description of the datasets in UKDA ReShare along with user suggestions:

  • tranall2011_19.csv is the newly linked data in this project. This is the individual transaction data,which can be subset or aggregated directly based on certain fields. R code for tracing regional annual house price trends between 2011 and 2018 is offered (example.R);
  • epc_id.csv is the Domestic EPCs data which delete LMK_KE, ADDRESS, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3, POSTCODE fields. The new unique identifier (id) is included in the dataset;
  • pp-complete.csv is the Land Registry PPD download from GOV.UK website in December 20, 2019;
  • We removed the address and postcode fields (which comes from EPC dataset) in the linked data (tranall2011_19.csv) to make sure this data is an open data . If you prefer to create a new linked data yourself, you need to understand and accept the licence and copyright for the data and then download. Please check your copyright notice when you use the address or postcode fields in the EPC dataset (

6. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank David Lockett and Caroline Bray of Land Registry, who offered guidance on the Land Registry PPD. Thanks also to Jessica Williamson and Jake Mulley, who helped to transfer our questions on EPCs to the teams in MHCLG, allowing the authors to deepen their understanding of this data set at the end of this research. The authors also would like to thank Rob Liddiard of the UCL Energy Institute for sharing his expertise regarding EPC data during the earlier stages of this research.

7.Attribution statement

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2020. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Postcode and address elements in the new data are subject to Royal Mail copyright. The Royal Mail( confirmed on the 25th August 2020 that this new data can be shared both by Bin Chi and by the UK Data Service with certain restrictions namely:

The data must be shared on the same terms as the data was originally obtained. These terms are set out in the URL links below, and if someone intends to use the data for purposes outside of this, then they must obtain permission from Royal Mail by contacting (exactly as they would have to do if obtaining the data directly from the relevant Open Data government websites). Royal Mail will retain attribution rights to the addressing data in both Price Paid Data (PPD) and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data because the data includes addresses and Postcodes which are the intellectual property of Royal Mail because they originate from our Postcode Address File (PAF).What this means in practice is that when the data is (re)published the relevant PPD and EPC licence terms must be referenced as they are published on the relevant Open Data websites at and