Superchat Backend Challenge

This is a simple API replicating the core functionality of a communications platform. It includes the following core functionality:

  • Create contacts given their name and email
  • List all contacts
  • Send a message to a contact
  • List all previous conversations
  • Receive messages from an external service via a webhook
  • Automatically substitute placeholder text in messages

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin
  • Ktor (web framework)
  • H2 (in-memory database)
  • Exposed (type-safe SQL framework)



POST /contacts - Create a new contact

  • Request body:
  "name": "Yanchen Ma",
  "email": ""
  • Response: 201 CREATED
  "name": "Yanchen Ma",
  "email": "",
  "created": 1611806692403

GET /contacts - List all contacts

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK
    "name": "Yanchen Ma",
    "email": "",
    "created": 1611806692403

GET /contacts/{email} - Get contact with given email

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK / 404 NOT FOUND
  "name": "Yanchen Ma",
  "email": "",
  "created": 1611806692403

DELETE /contacts/{email} - Delete contact with given email

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK / 404 NOT FOUND


POST /messages - Send message to contact

  • Request body:
    • Wrap any placeholders in ${ }.
    • Currently supported placeholders are name, email, and btc
  "contact": "",
  "body": "Hi ${name}, the current price of bitcoin is ${btc}."
  • Response: 201 CREATED
  "id": 1,
  "contact": "",
  "type": "SENT",
  "body": "Hi Yanchen Ma, the current price of bitcoin is 31455.75.",
  "sent": 1611807391337

POST /receive - Receive message from external service

  • Request body:
    • If given email already exists in system, use existing contact
    • Otherwise, create a new contact with the given information
    • Placeholders are not supported
  "email": "",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "message": "Hello there"
  • Resposne: 200 OK
  "name": "John Smith",
  "email": "",
  "message": "Hello there"

GET /messages - List all past conversations

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK
    "id": 2,
    "contact": "",
    "type": "RECEIVED",
    "body": "Hello there",
    "sent": 1611797303604
    "id": 1,
    "contact": "",
    "type": "SENT",
    "body": "Hi Yanchen Ma, the current price of bitcoin is 31455.75.",
    "sent": 1611797298836

GET /messages/{email} - Get all messages with a particular contact

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK
    "id": 1,
    "contact": "",
    "type": "SENT",
    "body": "Hi Yanchen Ma, the current price of bitcoin is 31455.75.",
    "sent": 1611797298836

GET /message/{id} - Get message by ID

  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK / 404 NOT FOUND
  "id": 2,
  "contact": "",
  "type": "RECEIVED",
  "body": "Hello there",
  "sent": 1611797303604

Running Locally

To run the API locally, simply clone the repo and run:

docker-compose up

The server will start on http://localhost:8080/.