ui-release-action GitHub action

What is it?

Obviously, it is a GitHub action, it does the following things:

  • when you push new commits into master branch (or any other branch you designate in on.push.branches field), a release PR is created which includes an automatically generated CHANGELOG.md and bumped NPM version, all this is done according to conventional commits spec
  • in case any new code is merged into master while that release PR is still open, it will be either updated (if bump type stays the same) or recreated (if bump type changes)
  • once the maintainer is ready to publish a new package version, he merges the release PR
  • package unit tests are run (at least "test": "exit 0" should be defined in package.json)
  • if they are successful, a new GitHub release is created and a new package version is published to NPM.

How should I use it?

Setting up

Create the file .github/workflows/release.yml at the root of your repo, providing at least the following inputs:

  • github-token (who does create release PR)
  • npm-token (who does publish NPM package)
  • node-version, optional - which node version to use for running unit tests.

The file looks roughly like, you can change target branch, tokens and node version.

    branches: [master]

name: release

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: yandex-cloud/ui-release-action@main
          github-token: ${{ secrets.YC_UI_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          npm-token: ${{ secrets.YC_UI_BOT_NPM_TOKEN }}
          node-version: 14

Early development

The action encourages "moving fast and breaking things" by preventing breaking changes from bumping major version in the early stages of project development (before you reach version 1.0.0). In other words, both the 'feat: something' commits and the commits with 'BREAKING CHANGE: something' footer bump a minor component automatically. Once you consider your project stable enough, you should add Release-As: 1.0.0 footer in one of the commits and see the usual effect of the 'BREAKING CHANGE: something' footer on you major version.