Computer scientist, IOS Developer, Love Motorsports, Cycling and Weightlifting
@ZupIT Uberlandia
yandiaszup's Following
- BretFisherIndie cloud native DevOps instructor and consultant, @docker-captains
- eduardofpu
- gabcoelho
- gabrielmendes98TQI - Technology and Quality on Information
- geohot@commaai @tinygrad
- gmarson@paypal
- gusnunesUberlândia
- gvezonoGPVezono
- heliohachimine
- joaobatistaprogramacao
- joaojacoZupIT
- JohnSundellGdansk, Poland
- lattnerBay Area, California, USA
- lucascesarnf@ZupIT
- luiseos-B2
- luisgustavoB1@BTGPactual
- mattt@replicate
- nuclear-harlequinBrazil
- pedropnavesZup Innovation
- RafaelPlantard@concretesolutions
- rodrigomarcelino
- stephencelis@pointfreeco
- tarcisiogcuberlandia
- theffc@ZupIT
- txaiwieserApple
- VagnerBD
- ViniciusGuardieiroSousaUberlândia
- vitorbasso
- vitorbg