
V# (VSharp) is a concept of verbal programming framework. It allows you to program software by taking to the computer.

####Website: http://VSharp.info


V# (VSharp) is a concept of verbal programming framework. It allows you to program software by talking to the computer.

Computer usually knows a lot of stuff. For example it knows how to write data into a database or how to display something on the screen. It also knows how to manipulate data. What it does not know is how to connect these pieces together and create software application.

V# gives this ability to computer by talking to it. Visualize that you are taking to your team member who is relatively new to the industry.

##How it works:

Let's say you are assigning a task to your teammate.

You conversation goes like this:

You: Raju, we need to create a simple form to capture customer preferences.

Raju (your teammaate): What information we want to capture?

You: Let's capture their name, email address and phone number.

Raju: What will we do after capturing this info?

You: Create a table named 'customer_preference' in the database and save the information there. And don't forget to link this to 'customer' table.

Raju: you mean I should create a foreign key in new table that maps to customer table's primary key.

You: Yes.

You: And Raju, ensure that the validations are in place.

Raju: What validations?

You: All fields are mendatory. Email should look like an email and and phone number should also look good.

You: Do you know how to validate email or phone number?

Raju: Yes.

You: Good. Go ahead and do this task.

Now, replace Raju with V# Framework. The framework knows how to create tables, set relationships, capture data and validate it. It will scaffold the code for you and create the application.