Annotation of Image Data by Assignment.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


The Basic Idea

AIDA is an attempt to bring an open source web-based workflow to image annotation. Currently, in the biomedical imaging space, image annotation is largely confined to single computer shrink-wrapped software with limited interactive capabilities and few, usually closed, data formats.

AIDA is a web interface that enables distributed teams of researchers to direclty annotate images with easy to use on screen drawing tools. AIDA supports the creation of well defined annotatio trials which include a series of high resolution images or video and a specific set of annotation tasks.

The trial and annotation data can be accessed programatically via a documented API.

How has it been implemented?

The user interface is a VueJS Single Page Application built to web standards, encapsulating and interacting with two other significant JavaScript libraries: OpenSeaDragon to manipulate the high-res images and PaperJSto provide the drawing functionality. This interface generates a JSON file that is written to a database via a web API. Login enables specific configuration of the tool for different trials and tasks.

What's planned?

The software is published as Open Source under the permissive MIT license and can be modified by anyone. The API will also be public.

The next stage of development will be to integrate intelligent tools that leverage the power of machine learning techniques. We hope to enhance the ability of the user to quickly and accuratley mark up images with using predicitive technqiues.


This is a project by Jens Rittscher, Nasullah Khalid Alham and Alan Aberdeen at the University of Oxford, specifically the Quantitative Biological Imaging Group. The project was funded by...