React createElement() Lab


In this lab, you'll build a simple view using createElement().



Your task will be to create a React element that represents you (or a close approximation, hopefully)! In the src/index.js file create a variable called meInReact. This variable should be a React element, and should have the following structure:

<div class="me">
  <h1>An Awesome Person</h1>
  <p>Who is learning React</p>
  <ul class="my-interests">
    <li>Ice cream</li>

To start the application type this in the terminal:

npm install
npm start

To run the test suite type this in the terminal:

npm test

Feel free to render out the component in the DOM using ReactDOM.render().


Ignore this error message:

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the top-level render call using

    in li.

We will cover how to fix this error in a later lesson.
