Design Pattern

All the code in this repository showed the cpp implements of Design Pattern in the book 大话设计模式C#. Obviously, the every chapter is corresponding to one design pattern as listed bellow.

Chapter01 to Simple Factory Pattern

Chapter02 to Strategy Pattern

Chapter06 to Decorator Pattern

Chapter07 to Proxy Pattern

Chapter08 to Factory Method Pattern

Chapter09 to Prototype Pattern

Chapter10 to Template Method Pattern

Chapter12 to Facade Pattern

Chapter13 to Build Pattern

Chapter14 to Observer Pattern

Chapter15 to Abstract Factory Pattern

Chapter16 to State Pattern

Chapter17 to Adapter Pattern

Chapter18 to Memento Pattern

Chapter19 to Composite Pattern

Chapter20 to Iterator Pattern

Chapter21 to Singleton Pattern

Chapter22 to Bridge Pattern

Chapter23 to Command Pattern

Chapter24 to Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chapter25 to Mediator Pattern

Chapter26 to Flyweight Pattern

Chapter27 to Interpreter Pattern

Chapter28 to Visitor Pattern