TODO: Add description
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding move_e2e_test_tool
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:move_e2e_test_tool, "~> 0.1.0"}
$ mix
$ ./move_e2e_test_tool --file sui_client.script
===> %{"args" => ["secp256k1"], "cli" => "sui_client", "cmd" => "new-address"}
.... {:ok,
sui_address: <<137, 218, 204, 199, 209, 235, 161, 138, 179, 150, 225, 200,
157, 56, 123, 75, 184, 218, 49, 66, 121, 65, 182, 185, 34, 83, 249, 212, 3,
51, 76, 107>>,
sui_address_hex: "0x89daccc7d1eba18ab396e1c89d387b4bb8da31427941b6b92253f9d403334c6b",
priv_key: <<1, 34, 61, 164, 216, 33, 36, 105, 253, 99, 86, 203, 81, 85, 80,
34, 79, 121, 215, 199, 242, 46, 38, 186, 24, 210, 159, 238, 152, 201, 77,
221, 155>>,
priv_key_base64: "ASI9pNghJGn9Y1bLUVVQIk9518fyLia6GNKf7pjJTd2b",
key_schema: "secp256k1",
phrase: "nature gallery eternal glance weather short risk barely fog scene stairs shallow reveal thing parade attract hobby traffic eye antenna round hotel carry orphan"
===> %{"args" => ["AAumH4YpXBOdglwNPalFGbj6btlTwOeAcAJscyfl4A4H"], "cli" => "sui_client", "cmd" => "import-address"}
.... :ok
17:47:44.739 [warning] Description: 'Authenticity is not established by certificate path validation'
Reason: 'Option {verify, verify_peer} and cacertfile/cacerts is missing'
===> %{"cli" => "sui_client", "cmd" => "gas"}
.... []
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