Extracting prerequisite links from uncertain data

A prerequisite link a -> b denotes a is a prerequisite for b.

  • prerequisites.py
    It's the code to extract prerequisite links from uncertain data.

  • data_demo.csv
    It contains uncertain data which come from web-based educational environment. Each record is a learner's knowledge state, in which each probability indicates the belief of a learner has mastered a specific skill/knowledge_component.

The code is related to the following published paper:

Chen, Y., Wuillemin, P.-H., Labat, J.-M.: Discovering Prerequisite Structure of Skills through Probabilistic Association Rules Mining. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Madrid, Spain, 117-124, 2015 [pdf]

If you'd like to use the code, please mention this paper in your work 😄.