
A PyTorch Implementation of English Text Classification.

Primary LanguagePython


A PyTorch Implementation of English Text Classification.



  • Step1: Put train and test data to ./data/ folder.
  • Step2: Download google word2vec to ./resources/ folder and modify embedding_file in settings.ini.
  • Step3: Adjust hyper parameters in settings.ini if necessary.
  • Step4: Generate vocabulary file to the ./results/ folder.
python main.py --make-vocab
  • Step5: Train model.
    • Model will be saved in ./models/ folders
    • Default Use all gpu to train mdoel. If you only want to use gpu 0, you can add CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 before the following instruction.
python main.py --do-train
  • Step6: Predict labels with saved model.
    • epoch_idx is the saved model's epoch id.
    • labels will be saved in ./results/ folder.
python main.py --do-predict --epoch-idx 10

File Description

  • cnn.py includes CNN text classifier.
  • lstmattention.py includes LSTM+Attention text classifier.
  • utils.py contains function and class regarding loading and batching data.
  • main.py for preprocess, train or predict.
  • data/: dataset dir
  • models/: saved models dir
  • results/: vocab dict file and predict result file dir
  • resources: word2vec file