X-Fi & X-Perf

The toolset is designed to measure TCP performance over Vehicle-to-Internet (V2I) WiFi conenctivity. It includes client-side tools and server-side tools.

The client-side tools are responsible for automatically launching WiFi software stack, TCP measurement application, and collecting data which include GPS data, WiFi association logs, DHCP logs, TCP application logs, and pcap files. The server-side tools are responsible for acting as the server for TCP performance measurement and analyzing data collected from the client side.



Python3 Dependencies (client & server)

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

client requirements
  • QT5: qmake is used for Makefiles generation of roamingd;
  • GPS: gpxlogger;
  • packages listed in carfi_dependencies.txt;
  • systemd: your system has to support systemd.
Server requirements
  • Database: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.25, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper;
  • systemd: your system has to support systemd.

Building Commands

Client tools (X-Fi and X-Perf)
  1. Change QMAKE variable in ./bootstrap.sh to the location of qmake in your system;
  2. ./bootstrap.sh
  3. Compilation and installation:
cd client_tools 
sudo make install
  1. GPS settings

WARNING: This step must be excuted manually. And creating backup for original files is highly recommended.

gpsdctl@.service has to be called after the GPS hardware is ready. So, we added a small sleeping period before it. Please use ./client_tools/system-conf/gpsdctl@.service to replace the original one -- /lib/systemd/system/gpsdctl@.service.

Server tools (Uploader server, TCP server for performance measurement)
  1. Compilation and installation:
cd server_tools
sudo make install_tcpserver
sudo make install_analyzer


Change system settings

  1. run config_journald.sh config_sysctl.sh enable_bbr_ko.sh

Client tools

  1. configure X-Perf for data collection:

    • open client_tools/carfi/carfi.json
    • change the interface (wlp4s0) name to your wireless interface
    • change the wpa_conf file to your wpa_conf file (placed in client_tools/carfi/etc)
    • open client_tools/carfi/etc/test_initator.json
    • change the interface (wlp4s0) name to your wireless interface
    • change the TCP test configurations (CC list, flow number list, TCP server IP) according to your needs
    • open client_tools/collector/collector_daemon
    • change the settings of collector
      • DATA_PATH = "/opt/carfi/data" # where to store runtime data
      • TAR_PATH = "/opt/carfi/tar" # where to store archived data
      • LOC_MARKER = "Paris" # location marker (used for naming collected data)
      • DURATION = 300 #secs # length of a single experiment run
  2. configure X-Perf for data uploading:

    • open client_tools/data_uploader/uploader_client_daemon
    • change the settings of uploader
      • SERVER_IP="" # uploader server ip
      • SERVER_PORT=9999 # uploader server port
      • INTERFACE="wlxc83a35d1021c" # uploader network interface name (e.g. a cellular dongle)
      • TAR_PATH="/opt/carfi/tar" # where to find archived data
    • configure routing table:
      • you must configure your routing table (via ip route) to send all traffic destinated to the uploader server via the uploader interface.
  3. run X-Perf

    • Once make install is executed successfully, the X-Fi client is registered as a systemd service called carfi-data-collector.service. The command systemctl start carfi-data-collector.service can be used for starting the client. Also, the service is started automatically when the system is booting or rebooting. If you don't want the autostart feature, you use systemctl disable carfi-data-collector.service to disable it.
    • Similarily, you can run systemctl start carfi-uploader-client.service to start uploader.
  4. check if you are collecting data by going to DATA_PATH and TAR_PATH above.

Server tools

  1. run the TCP server for performance measurement

    • open server_tools/tester/tcp_server_daemon to change configurations
      • UPLOAD_PORT_BASE=5000 # upload port
      • DOWNLOAD_PORT_BASE=5100 # download port
      • CC_LIST="cubic,bbr" # CCA list. It must be in the same order as the one in tester_initator.json
      • INTERFACE=ens3 # the network interface used for TCP performance measurement
    • systemctl start carfi-tcpserver.service
  2. run the TCP uploader server

    • open server_tools/data-uploader/tcp_server_daemon to change configurations
      • UPLOADER_PORT=9999 # uploader server port
      • UPLOADER_RECV_DIR=/opt/carfi/recv_dir # where to recv archived data
      • UPLOADER_TAR_DIR=/opt/carfi/tar_dir # where to store archived data
    • systemctl start carfi-uploader-server.service
  3. some scripts for data analysis

    • the scripts are located in server_tools/analyzer
    • parser.py: parsing archived data and saving the results into a database
    • plotter.py: reading the data from database and generating plots.