
Primary LanguagePython


  1. AI design
  1. evaluate algorithm: how good is it? is complete? is complex? space take, time take
  2. computer vs. computer, human vs. computer -compare to other AI to determine how good is (percentage of win, relative to speed) -make some claims and try to back it up about our AI
  3. compare with other algorithm using resources: compare with brute force and with most optimal algorithm -how does it compare to dumb AI and how compare to AI that always makes best move (forsight)
  1. Notes for teamwork:
  1. Github: command line or download a github desktop

for command:
[Optional]download git
[Optional]create Github folder in your computer
config your github by
git config --global user.name "YOUR NAME"
git config --global user.email "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
clone from your github's website copy of 271AIgame, such as https://github.com/yourusername/271AIgame.git
git clone https:// ........git
Start work! Remember to check for uncommited changes!
Methods that could avoid unecessary steps:
[Optional] Avoid merge commits for pulling
git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always

Be Careful with the order of the commands:

switch to second directory
cd ~/repositoryfolder

pull in the latest changes of your remote repository
git pull

make changes

commit the changes
git add . git commit -a / git commit -m "A change"

push changes to remote repository
git push (origin)

Other useful commands:
$ git status
Lists all new or modified files to be committed
$ git diff
Shows file differences not yet staged
$ git add [file] / git add . (this add all files)
Commit change files with [descriptive message]
$ git commit -m "[descriptive message]"
Amend the last commit
$ git commit --amend -m "More changes - now correct"
Records file snapshots permanently in version history
$ git push [target]
Push to the main repository
$ git log
Show the Git log for the change
$ git rm
Remove file

Could check: