- coding-interview-university.
- Algorithms
- puncsky / system-design-and-architecture
- karanpratapsingh / system-design
- Solution:
Monotonic Queue
Tree preoder
while root or len(stack) != 0:
while root:
root == root.left
root = stack.pop()
# extra checks
# e.g: pre and pre.value > root.value
pre = root
root = root.right
Tree level order traversal
q = deque()
while q:
size = len(q)
level = []
for i, node in enumerate(q):
level += node,
if node.left: q += node.left
if node.right: q += node.right
res += level
in order traversal
def inorderTraversal(self, root):
result = []
stack = []
while stack or root:
while root:
root = root.left
root = stack.pop()
root = root.right
return result
max depth
def maxDepth(self, root):
if root is None:
return 0
if root.left is None:
return 1 + self.maxDepth(root.right)
if root.right is None:
return 1 + self.maxDepth(root.left)
return 1 + max(self.maxDepth(root.left), self.maxDepth(root.right))
Category | Title | Solution | Basic idea (One line) |
Matrix traversal | 1 Two Sum | Py | 1. Hash O(n) and O(n) space. 2. Sort and search with two points O(n) and O(1) space. |
Matrix traversal | 54 Spiral matrix | Py | 1. Similar to 59 2. matrix -> array assignment 3. easier for loop traversal with boundary updating from outer to inner matrix |
Matrix traversal | 59 Spiral matrix II | Py | 1. Set direction with coordinates 2. Loop n*n with boundary check and matrix availability verification |
Matrix traversal | 2326 Spiral matrix II | Py | 1. Set direction with coordinates, check boundary and result slot is unset 2. while loop check for != None and assign the lastest value after last run |
Interval | 1419 Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking | Py | 1. Since only whole sentence represents a frog, +1 when first char shows, return -1 when previous char is not appeared 2. Handle corner case: needs to remove uncompleted sentence |
Interval | 1419 Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups | Py | 1. Method 1: minheap to push every element that needs to be counted in a loop 2. Method 2: using line sweep to have cur watermarking the rightmost element within the for loop of the sorted collection |
Dp | 1986 min working hours | Py | |
Hashset | 129 Longest Consecutive Sequence | Py | use hashset to check if in set, then if not visited (x - 1 not in set), loop over to x + i to find longest and update size |
Mono Queue | 1425 Constrained Subsequence Sum | Py | Use decreasing queue to record summation within k constraint 1. calculate summation over current i index by adding towards first of decreasing queue 2. if current ele's index is less than k constraint, pop left 3. while current ele's summation is more than any previous summation, pop out (right) |
Counting | 1010 Pairs of Songs | Py | |
2 sum idea: hashset with counteraparts for a given target |