
This repository is a demo of dll injection. It demostates how to hook and inject data during the DragDrop process in explorer.exe implemented by wine.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository is a demo of dll injection. It demostates how to hook and inject data during the DragDrop process in explorer.exe implemented by wine.

Use MS Visual Studio 2017 to create a solution and add-in the following project. Then build the total solution under release mode(debug mode may cause error currently).


  • This project is created as normal Console Application.

This program create(CreateProcess) the target process by name string(e.g "explorer.exe", hard coded in DoInjection), As we need the MfcHookApi.dll load by the remote target process explorer.exe, the dll name MfcHookApi.dll passed to LoadLibraryA(in kernel32.dll) must be allocated at the virtual address of process explorer.exe Tips:MfcHookApi.dll contains the substitute for WINAPI:DispatchMessageW/A and perform the real hook&inject operation. So DoInjection use the core API VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory to write the string to the space of explorer.exe, and it uses the process handle of explorer.exe and the address of LoadLibraryA to create a remote thread which loads and initiates the MfcHookApi.dll to the space of explorer.exe.


  • This project is created as Win32 MFC Application.

This MFC window program is used as an injection target when running DoInjection in Windows System(Win7 is OK,other versions need more test).


  • This project is created as MFC dll Application.

When this MFC dll is loaded(with the target processexplorer.exe), its CMfcHookApiApp::InitInstance function will be triggered. and it will perform the core call SetHookCreateWindowEx(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); to hook CreateWindowExW/A. Specificially, it use

HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);

to get the snapshot of all system processes, and find the process handle of the process with the correct pcProsessName.

Then it loads the user32.dll and modify the jump instruction located at original CreateWindowExW/A. Note that we have to gurantee that the hook must be cleared when performing interception operations. So, we must clear hook and rehook before and and after the core functional routine.


With the above-mentioned covers, we can safely do the core business. Now that the call to CreateWindowA has been redirected to function HookCreateWindowExA, what we need to do in HookCreateWindowExA is to add judgement code to make sure the specific window "WineDragDropTracker32" is created. The window used for drag-drop tracking in wine has this unique class name. Then we intercept and monitor DispatchMessageW. We need to locate the last dispatched message of the drop process and pin-point the position before calling ISFDropTarget_Drop(in wine). Because the fix for ISFDropTarget_Drop use This->sPathTarget without checking it validity.

ISFDropTarget_Drop (IDropTarget * iface, IDataObject * pDataObject,
                    DWORD dwKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD * pdwEffect)
    IGenericSFImpl *This = impl_from_IDropTarget(iface);
    //Use This->sPathTarget to perform file copy or move without length or NULL check.

Wine code has provide the exact code of this judgement, from message dispatching(DispatchMessageW) all the way through ISFDropTarget_Drop. The following graph shows the three key opreation of the drop process. What we talk here is the intercepting of the last(right hand) path. See three key operations of drop process(set target path data,check keyboard state, do real process). This path can be obtained by manually debugging wine code(as our attacking target is wine). Make a retro version of this process and change the data just before the last message dispatching, then a successful data tampering is performed. See inspect_before function for core judgement and data tampering logics of this process.

void inspect_before(MSG* msg)
	WCHAR temp[256];
	GetClassName(msg->hwnd, temp, 256);
	if (0 == wcscmp(_T("WineDragDropTracker32"), temp))
		TrackerWindowInfo * info = (TrackerWindowInfo *)GetWindowLongPtrA(msg->hwnd, 0);
		if (info)
			if (info->curDragTarget && info->returnValue==0)
				HRESULT _hr=IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag(info->dropSource, info->escPressed, info->dwKeyState);
				if (_hr == DRAGDROP_S_DROP)
					//access and tamper the string field "->sPathTarget"

Trial and error is unavoidable for declaration of correct data structures, but it is straight forward as a whole.

The so called "hooking" here is just a kind of code tampering, not the classic hook, as the classic hook usually use SetWindowsHookEx function, and it intercepts limited predefined windows functions. The target program is responsible for recover it. The following code illustrate the classic windows hooking technique(but we doesn't use here).

//An empty hook function.
LRESULT WINAPI HookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
//Install or uninstall an empty hook(ProcessID=NULL:uninstall).
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void InstallHook4Api(HWND hwnd)
	if (hwnd)
		hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, (HOOKPROC)HookProc, hinstDll, GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &TargetPid));
		if (hHook)

Actually there are over 10 kinds of Dll Injection Methods, See Ten Process Injection Techniques: A Technical Survey Of Common And Trending Process Injection Techniques