
Open a Quickfix item in a window you choose. (Vim plugin)

Primary LanguageVim script


QFEnter allows you to open items from Vim's quickfix or location list wherever you wish.

You can set a target window by giving it focus just before jumping to the quickfix (or location list) window , or you can open items in new splits, vsplits, and tabs. You can even open multiple items at once by visual selection!

A normal mode example: qfenter

A visual mode example: qfentervisualopt


  • Using plugin managers (recommended)
    • Vundle : Add Plugin 'yssl/QFEnter' to .vimrc & :PluginInstall
    • NeoBundle : Add NeoBundle 'yssl/QFEnter' to .vimrc & :NeoBundleInstall
    • vim-plug : Add Plug 'yssl/QFEnter' to .vimrc & :PlugInstall
  • Using Pathogen
    • cd ~/.vim/bundle; git clone https://github.com/yssl/QFEnter.git
  • Manual install (not recommended)
    • Download this plugin and extract it in ~/.vim/


In the quickfix (or location list) window,

<Enter>, <2-LeftMouse>
Normal mode : Open an item under cursor in the previously focused window.
Visual mode : Open items in visual selection in the previously focused window. As a result, the last item appears in the window.

Normal mode : Open an item under cursor in a new vertical split of the previously focused window.
Visual mode : Open items in visual selection in a sequence of new vertical splits from the previously focused window.

Normal mode : Open an item under cursor in a new horizontal split from the previously focused window.
Visual mode : Open items in visual selection in a sequence of new horizontal splits of the previously focused window.

Normal mode : Open an item under cursor in a new tab.
Visual mode : Open items in visual selection in a sequence of new tabs. By default, the quickfix window is automatically opened in the new tab to help you open other quickfix items. This behavior can be changed with the g:qfenter_enable_autoquickfix option.


You can change the key mappings in your .vimrc. The default setting is,

let g:qfenter_keymap = {}
let g:qfenter_keymap.open = ['<CR>', '<2-LeftMouse>']
let g:qfenter_keymap.vopen = ['<Leader><CR>']
let g:qfenter_keymap.hopen = ['<Leader><Space>']
let g:qfenter_keymap.topen = ['<Leader><Tab>']

If you're a CtrlP user, for instance, you might like these for familiarity:

let g:qfenter_keymap = {}
let g:qfenter_keymap.vopen = ['<C-v>']
let g:qfenter_keymap.hopen = ['<C-CR>', '<C-s>', '<C-x>']
let g:qfenter_keymap.topen = ['<C-t>']

Supported commands (such as open or vopen in above examples) are:

Commands Meaning
open Open items under cursor or in visual block in a previously focused window.
vopen Open items under cursor or in visual block in new vertical splits from a previously focused window.
hopen Open items under cursor or in visual block in new horizontal splits from a previously focused window.
topen Open items under cursor or in visual block in new tabs.
cnext Open items using :cnext command in a previously focused window.
vcnext Open items using :cnext command in new vertical splits from a previously focused window.
hcnext Open items using :cnext command in new horizontal splits from a previously focused window.
tcnext Open items using :cnext command in new tabs.
cprev Open items using :cprev command in a previously focused window.
vcprev Open items using :cprev command in new vertical splits from a previously focused window.
hcprev Open items using :cprev command in new horizontal splits from a previously focused window.
tcprev Open items using :cprev command in new tabs.
open_keep Same as open, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
vopen_keep Same as vopen, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
hopen_keep Same as hopen, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
topen_keep Same as topen, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
cnext_keep Same as cnext, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
vcnext_keep Same as vcnext, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
hcnext_keep Same as hcnext, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
tcnext_keep Same as tcnext, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
cprev_keep Same as cprev, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
vcprev_keep Same as vcprev, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
hcprev_keep Same as hcprev, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.
tcprev_keep Same as tcprev, but the quickfix (or location list) window keeps focus after opening items.

For example, to open a next quickfix item in a previously focused window while keeping focus in the quickfix window by typing <Leader>a, you can use these:

let g:qfenter_keymap = {}
let g:qfenter_keymap.cnext_keep = ['<Leader>a']


Vim's default means of opening items from the quickfix list are limited and inconvenient:

  • You cannot select a window in which to open a file when you press <Enter>:

    Hitting the <Enter> key or double-clicking the mouse on a line has the same effect. The file containing the error is opened in the window above the quickfix window. -- from :help quickfix

    It is inconsistent with other Quickfix commands like :cnext and :cprev which open a file in a previously focused window.

  • You cannot decide where a horizontal split will be created when using Ctrl-W <Enter>, Vim always creates the new split window above the quickfix window.

  • There is no command at all for 'open in a new vertical split window'.

These are confusing and bothered me every time, so I wrote a simple plugin to make up for these weak points. Its name comes from the most basic way to open a file from the quickfix window -- the <Enter> key.