Manipulating the IL of an assembly as part of a build requires a significant amount of plumbing code. This plumbing code involves knowledge of both the MSBuild and Visual Studio APIs. Fody attempts to elimination that plumbing code through an extensible add-in model.
- Injection of the MSBuild task into the build pipeline
- Resolving the location of the assembly and pdb
- Abstracts the complexities of logging to MSBuild
- Reads the assembly and pdb into the Mono.Cecil object model
- Re-applying the strong name if necessary
- Saving the assembly and pdb
Fody Uses Mono.Cecil and an add-in based approach to modifying the IL of .net assemblies at compile time.
- No install required to build
- No attributes required
- No references required
- Supports .net 3.5, .net 4, .net 4.5, Silverlight 4, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 7 and .net Metro on Windows 8
- Supports client profile mode
There is a Visual Studio addin
See SampleUsage for an introduction on using Fody.
The name "Fody" comes from the small birds that belong to the weaver family Ploceidae.
- BasicFodyAddin A simple project meant to illustrate how to build an addin.
- FodyAddinSamples is a single solution that contains a working copy of every fody addin.
- AddinSearchPaths
- AddinsList
- DeployingAddinsAsNugets
- Home
- HowToWriteAnAddin
- InSolutionWeaving
- ModuleWeaver
- PdbReWritingAndDebugging
- ReleaseNotes
- SampleUsage
- Setup
- SignedAssemblies
- SupportedRuntimesAndIde
- TaskAddsAFlagInterface
- TaskCouldNotBeLoaded
- VSIXPackage
- WeavingTaskOptions
For supplying a build server
Fody is licensed under MIT. Refer to license.txt for more information.