A Light CNN based Method for Hand Detection and Orientation Estimation
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How can I print hand orientation in an image
#18 opened by sivaeinfo - 13
create annotation for the custom image dataset
#17 opened by sivaeinfo - 1
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test my own picture
#16 opened by lidaiqiang-vsg - 1
#14 opened by qq297110281 - 2
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how to get the orientation of the hand?
#12 opened by Vincent-2017 - 1
module name can't contain \".\"
#11 opened by sercruzg - 2
'module name can\'t contain "."'
#8 opened by ZHEQIUSHUI - 1
About right hand or left
#10 opened by QuYJLeo - 2
Got import error when running evaluation
#9 opened by jtao151617 - 0
Trained model
#7 opened by FloretCat - 3
ImportError: ../layers/_ext/nms/_nms.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0
#6 opened by vasanthhr - 9
Orientation Estimation
#4 opened by trungpham2606 - 9
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How localizate hand on an image?
#1 opened by Azazel17 - 1
Issue with torch.utils.ffi
#3 opened by Azazel17