
Delivery Web App

Primary LanguageJava

Delivery Web App

About this project


Technology stack

  • Frontend stack: Spring MVC, JSP/thymleaf, Bootstrap/Matirialize.
  • Backend stack: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, Rabbit MQ (or Kafka), MySQL (or other RDBMS), MongoDB (or other NoSQL), Docker, and Redis.
  • Spring Boot will be served as stand-alone REST microservice.
  • Spring Cloud will be used for registration and discovery for REST microservices.
  • Spring Data will replace traditional ORM to serve as lightweight database access layer.
  • Redis serve as a cache layer for popular data in RDBMS to provide quick access to restaurant listing and menu items listing.
  • RabbitMQ provide two message brocker paradigms: P2P channel is used for competing message consumers to consume which is suitable for order processing while Pub/Sub channel allows all message subscribers to handle messages which is suitable for location updating.
  • All microservices, databases, cache store and spring cloud intance will be dockerized.

Architecture diagram


Project Members

  • Joy Zhang: Product Manager
  • Leo Liu: User module, Customer module
  • Lidi Zheng: WebInterface module, Cloud Architecture
  • Young Liu: Menu module, Restaurant module, Order module
  • Shaoqian Yang: Comment module


How to create your own microservice

Option 1

  • use intellij idea as IDE
  • import project
  • choose DeliveryApp/spring-delivery-app
  • choose Create project from existing model
  • next all the way down until you open the project
  • create your child module like this submodule

Option 2

  • cd DeliveryApp/spring-delivery-app
  • create your maven project under this folder
  • add such content into your project pom file
  • add such content into pom file in the parent project (spring-delivery-app)
  • If you have any problem, follow the content-service module example