
OSU capstone project for NetJets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Virtual Assistant for Business - OSU Spring 2017 CSE5911


A bot aimed to simplify the process of interacting with common business tools like: Jira, Salesforce, etc.

Add to Skype


See Images

Installation & Deployment Instruction

  • Install Node.js
  • Create a LUIS endpoint
    • Go to LUIS, create an account, then create a new app.
    • Select Import Utterance, upload Jira.json from folder luis-model, then click Train.
    • Click Publish, copy the URL.
  • Run the bot locally
    • Change the file .env.example to .env.
      • Change the LUIS_MODEL_URL to the URL you just copied.
    • RECOMMENDED: Use yarn.
      • Install yarn: Tutorial
      • cd into code directory
      • yarn
      • Launch the bot with yarn start
      • Run unit tests with yarn test
      • Rerun the code every time file changes (for development purpose only): yarn launch
    • You can also use npm.
      • cd into code directory
      • npm install
      • Launch the bot with npm start
      • Run unit tests with npm test
      • Rerun the code every time file changes (for development purpose only): npm run launch
    • Interact with the bot via BotFramework-Emulator
  • Deployment
    • Deploy the code to any server, copy down the bot's endpoint.
    • Publish the bot to Microsoft Bot Framework Platform.
    • Config the following environment variable of the bot on the server, then restart it.
      • LUIS_MODEL_URL (Optional if you have already uploaded the .env file)
    • You now should be able to access the bot on Skype and any other chat application you fancy.


Bot Framework

Bot Framework Node.js API

Get Started on Heroku with Node.js

Register a bot