Event Driven Molecular Dynamics with Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Event Driven Molecular Dynamics with Python

A simple, Python-based event-driven molecular dynamics simulation for hard-spheres. The simulation moves forward in time by calculating and moving to the time of the next 'event'. An event can be a collision between two particles, a particle and a wall or a graphical update checkpoint. The times associated with potential events are solved and placed in a priority queue. Particles move forward in time according to Newton’s Laws of Motion using a Velocity-Verlavet algorithm until the time of the first event in the priority queue is reached. If this is a collision event, then this is carried out and the queue is rebuilt based on the new system state. All collisions are treated as perfectly elastic.

This is a Pythonic version of the JavaScript EDMD code that I authored for the Visual Chemical Engineering (VCE) project. The JavaScript version is hosted on GitHub here.

edmd example image



Default conditions


single particle and many sphere with infinite mass

python3 md_single.py -n 1

multiply the speeds with a 100 factor

python3 md.py -n 10 -s 100

Simulate 60 particles within a 500 x 500px simulation box and a maximum time step of size 10.0

./md.py -n 60 -x 500 -y 500 --dt 10.0

Display help and exit

./md.py --help

Future work

  • Intelligent reconstruction of the event queue. This is currently rebuilt after every event, which is inefficient but acceptable for small scale simulations.
  • Addition of particle interaction potentials.