To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
* @param url video path
* @param startTime
CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(0, videoAsset.duration.timescale);
* @param endTime
* CMTimeMake(a,b)
* @param fileName video name .mp4
* @param completion urlPath
* If you need clipping video clips, then insert startTime and endTime to intercept the video.The parameters of video interception should be noted in CMTime format.
+ (void)videoEditByTimeRangeWithUrl:(NSURL *)url startTime:(CMTime)startTime endTime:(CMTime)endTime fileName:(NSString *)fileName completion:(void (^)(NSString *urlPath))completion;
expression or watermark
* @param url video path
* @param image The expression and watermark you need to add
* @param frame The expression you need to add and the location of the watermark.
* @param fileName video name .mp4
* @param completion urlPath
+ (void)videoEditByImageWithUrl:(NSURL *)url image:(UIImage *)image frame:(CGRect)frame fileName:(NSString *)fileName completion:(void (^)(NSString *urlPath))completion;
text or barrage
* @param url video path
* @param textLayer The text or barrage you need to add
* @param frame The text you need to add and the location of the watermark.
* @param fileName video name .mp4
* @param completion urlPath
+ (void)videoEditByTextWithUrl:(NSURL *)url textLayer:(CATextLayer *)textLayer frame:(CGRect)frame fileName:(NSString *)fileName completion:(void (^)(NSString *urlPath))completion;
QRVideoEditor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'QRVideoEditor'
QRVideoEditor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.