Diskless boot Windows/Linux - Free Analog CCBoot
- Just restart your computer and the system state will return.
- If you have a lot of computers. There is no need to have hard disks on workstations with this technology
- Web based interface
- Linux based server
- ZFS optimized storage
- Cached
- Fast I/O perfomants
- Diskless boot from iscsi - Windows/Linux/Mac and other OS
- Ubuntu : apt install -y etherwake shellinabox qemu-utils lua-json lua-socket lua-posix nginx-extras zfsutils-linux
#> sudo zpool create -m /srv nsboot0 < disk > < disk > cache < disk >
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images nsboot0/images
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images/boot nsboot0/images/boot
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images/boot/snap nsboot0/images/boot/snap
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images/games nsboot0/images/games
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images/snap nsboot0/images/snap
#> sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/srv/images/storages nsboot0/images/storages
#> sudo zfs create nsboot0/writeback
if created zvol, example: #> sudo zfs create -V60G -o snapdev=visible nsboot0/images/storages/lord.qcow2
- Base resty generic [LUA 5.3]
- nbd devices process detach from nginx [/usr/bin/nsbootd]
- init stripc start/stop/status/reload [/etc/init.d/nsbootd]
- Web interface
- Installer system
- vhd/qcow/qcow2/vmdk/vhdx parrent images
- AutoRemove child images on boot system if not super mode
- Autoremove child images if disconnect iscsi more keep-alive connect
- GUI Installer system
- ShellInaboxd
- Windows agent nsboot