

Primary LanguagePowerShell


How to use this script

Step1: Clone this project to your computer: https://github.com/WayneYangsa/Test-AutoDetect.git

Step2: Open Powershell to locate the folder where the script is.

Step3: Run .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress}

For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "test@contoso.com"

For Hybrid Exchange accounts

You can also run the command with additional params like this:

.\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress} -Hybrid


-Hybrid will call the EXO AutoDiscover endpoint additonally.

For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "hybrid@contoso.com" -Hybrid


.\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress} -CustomAutoD {theHostnameOfCustomAutoDiscover}

-CustomAutoD {theHostnameOfCustomAutoDiscover} allows you specificing the custom OnPrem AutoDiscover Hostname.

For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "hybrid@contoso.com" -CustomAutoD "autodiscover.contoso.com"


-TestEXOAutoDV2 allows you to call the EXO AutoDiscoverV2 endpoint alone.

For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "hybrid@contoso.com" -TestEXOAutoDV2


-TestOnPremAutoDV2 allows you to call the On-Prem AutoDiscoverV2 endpoint alone.

For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "hybrid@contoso.com" -TestOnPremAutoDV2