DONS: Fast and Affordable Discrete Event Network Simulation with Automatic Parallelization

DONS features a data-oriented and multi-threaded simulation engine that can perform automatic parallelization within a server, achieve high core utilization, low cache miss rate, and high memory efficiency, simultaneously.

For a cluster of servers, DONS also has a novel simulation partitioning algorithm that can assist balanced parallelization.

Build prerequisites

Unity Editor Version: 2021.3.11f1


  1. Git Clone -> Unity Hub -> Projects -> Open -> Choose folder "DONS"
  2. Load scene DONS.unity. Scene position: Assets/Scenes/DONS.unity
  3. Build
  4. Copy config file to root directory ("Assets/Scripts/Resources/Settingdata.dat")


In root directory, add the configuration file ”Settingdata.dat“, you can find it in Resources folder

  • The main field is to set the scale of the topology using Fattree_K

Running in Ubuntu:

Step 1 - Build Settings

Please make sure you have something similar to the following screenshot and click Build.


Step 2 - Configuration

Copy "Assets/Scripts/Resources/Settingdata.dat" to output folder.

Edit it to set the scale of the topology.


Step 3 - Running

  • Copy output folder to Linux.

  • Then cd output

  • Add the execute permission

    chmod +x topo.x86_64
  • Run topo.x86_64


Step 4 - Output

Obtain related information by viewing log files



Important Links

  1. Job system
  2. Entities and components
  3. Systems
  4. Accessing entities in jobs
  5. Entity command buffers
  6. Transform components and systems
  7. Baking and entity scenes
  8. Additional Entities features