
Opinionated/laravelish use case of the league/fractal package for Laravel 5/Luman

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#league/fractal WRAPPER FOR LARAVEL 5/LUMEN#

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This is a package, or rather an opinionated/laravelish use case of the famous league/fractal package for Laravel 5 and Lumen. This package was started to fulfill a personal RESTful API service needs. And provided as a separate package, hoping users quickly build his/her RESTful API.

Among 1. METHOD, 2. RESOURCE, and 3. RESPONSE, which is 3 pillars of REST, this package is mainly focusing on a 3. RESPONSE(=view layer). By reading this readme and following along the bundled examples, I hope you understand REST principles, and build a beautiful APIs that everybody can understand easily.

I know RESTful API is a big topic. Note that REST is not a strict spec or rule, but just a guideline. The more RESTful, the easier to be read by your API consumers.


  1. Provides easy access to the league/fractal's core instance (ServiceProvider).
  2. Provides easy way of make transformed/serialized http response.
  3. Provides configuration capability for the response format.
  4. Provides examples, so that users can quickly copy & paste into his/her project.


1. METHOD and 2. RESOURCE can be easily handled by Laravel/Lumen routes file, app/Http/routes.php.

    ['except' => ['create', 'edit']]

In response to Laravel/Lumen route definition, Appkr\Fractal\Http\Response instance is being injected into ThingsController to properly format JSON responses in RESTful fashion (3. RESPONSE).


namespace App\Http\Controllers\V1;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\ThingsRequest;
use App\Thing;
use App\Transformers\ThingTransformer;
use Appkr\Fractal\Http\Response;

class ThingsController extends Controller
    protected $response;

    public function __construct(Response $response)
        $this->response = $response;

    public function index()
        return $this->response->withPagination(
            new ThingTransformer

    public function store(ThingsRequest $request)
        return $this->response->created(Thing::create(array_merge(

    public function show($id)
        return $this->response->withItem(
            new ThingTransformer

    public function update(ThingsRequest $request, $id)
        $thing = Thing::findOrFail($id);

        return ($thing->update($request->all()))
            ? $this->response->success('Updated')
            : $this->response->error('Fail to update');

    public function destroy($id)
        $thing = Thing::findOrFail($id);

        return ($thing->delete())
            ? $this->response->success('Deleted')
            : $this->response->error('Fail to delete');


Setp #1: Composer.

$ composer require "appkr/fractal: 0.6.*"

Step #2: Add the service provider.

// For Laravel - config/app.php
'providers'=> [

// For Lumen - boostrap/app.php

Step #3: [OPTIONAL] Publish assets.

// For Laravel only
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Appkr\Fractal\ApiServiceProvider"

The config file is located at config/fractal.php.

Done !


The package is bundled with a simple API example. It includes:

  • Database migrations and seeder
  • routes definition, Eloquent Model and corresponding Controller
  • FormRequest (Laravel only)
  • Transformer
  • Integration Test

Follow the guide to activate and test the example.

Step #1: Activate examples

// Uncomment the line at vendor/appkr/fractal/src/ApiServiceProvider.php

Step #2: Migrate and seed tables

// Migrate/seed tables at a console
$ php artisan migrate --path="vendor/appkr/fractal/database/migrations"
$ php artisan db:seed --class="Appkr\Fractal\Example\DatabaseSeeder"

Step #3: Boot up a local server and open at a browser

// Boot up a local server
$ php artisan serve

Head on to http://localhost:8000/v1/things, and you should see a well formatted json response.

Step #4: [OPTIONAL] Run integration test

// For Laravel
$ phpunit vendor/appkr/fractal/src/example/ThingApiTestForLaravel.php

// For Lumen
$ phpunit vendor/appkr/fractal/src/example/ThingApiTestForLumen.php

Note If you finished evaluating the example, don't forget to rollback the migration and re-comment the unnecessary lines at ApiServiceProvider.


The following is the full list of response methods that Appkr\Fractal\Http\Response provides, and that you can use in YourController to format API response.

// Generic response. 
// If valid callback parameter is provided, jsonp response can be provided.
// This is a very base method. All other responses are utilizing this.
respond(array $payload);

// Respond collection of resources
// If $transformer is not given as the second argument,
// this class does its best to transform the payload to a simple array
    \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection $collection, 
    \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract|null $transformer, 
    string|null $resourceKey // for JsonApiSerializer only

// Respond single item
    \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model, 
    \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract|null $transformer, 
    string|null $resourceKey // for JsonApiSerializer only

// Respond collection of resources with pagination
    \Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator $paginator, 
    \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract|null $transformer, 
    string|null $resourceKey // for JsonApiSerializer only

// Respond json formatted success message
// fractal.php provides configuration capability
success(string|array $message);

// Respond 201
// If an Eloquent model is given at an argument,
// the class tries its best to transform the model to a simple array
created(string|array|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $primitive);

// Respond 204

// Generic error response
// This is another base method. Every other error responses use this.
// If an instance of \Exception is given as an argument,
// this class does its best to properly format a message and status code
error(string|array|\Exception|null $message);

// Respond 401
// Note that this actually means unauthenticated
unauthorizedError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 403
// Note that this actually means unauthorized
forbiddenError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 404
notFoundError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 406
notAcceptableError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 409
conflictError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 422
unprocessableError(string|array|null $message);

// Respond 500
internalError(string|array|null $message);

// Set http status code
// This method is chainable
setStatusCode(int $statusCode);

// Set http response header
// This method is chainable
setHeaders(array $headers);

// Set additional meta data
// This method is chainable
setMeta(array $meta);


// Determine if the current framework is Laravel

// Determine if the current framework is Lumen

// Determine if the current version of framework is based on 5.1

// Determine if the current request is generated from an api client

// Determine if the request is for update

// Determine if the request is for delete


This package follows MIT License. Issues and PRs are welcomed.