
:key:Mathematical Contest in Modeling including The Summer Camp Training and The CUMCM2013 and The MCM2014

Primary LanguageMATLABAcademic Free License v3.0AFL-3.0


> Mathematical Contest in Modeling including The Summer Camp Training and The CUMCM2013 and The MCM2014.

> Our Team Work at ChongQing University (2012 Autumn - 2014 Spring)


Prof. Luosheng Wen was our advisor in the contest, he shared knowledge and intelligence and experience to us, this helped us to finish the contest successfully. My team member Zhe Liu and Ying Xiong encouraged me to think out many ideas, and they were working really hard in the contest. Indomitable spirit and team cooperation etc are the more important things I learnt form the contest than the technique.

These jobs were finished by our whole team, all of us have the copyright.

We hope these jobs will help you and your team to improve your skill in Mathematical Contest in Modeling, but don't hope you use these jobs just to finish your homework by simple copying. Republish or directly copying these work without citing is prohibited, all of us have the original copyright.