
Implementation of the paper: High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Implementation of the paper: High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image

README file for Deblurring code used in SIGGRAPH '06 paper: "Removing Camera Shake from a Single Image" by R.Fergus, B.Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. T. Roweis, W. T. Freeman.

Distribution code Version 1.2 -- 10/23/2006 by Rob Fergus (fergus at csail dot mit dot edu) Copyright 2006, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The source code is messy research-grade code. There are limited comments through out and lots of strange obsolete sections and so on as a result of the organic development process. If you are having problems understanding what the code is doing, please take some time to work through it yourself and understand what is going on. Try reading the various references in Section 3 below, hopefully this should offer some enlightenment.

The algorithm is not yet sufficiently robust to be a tool that can used by anyone. You may have to run the algorithm several times on an image, trying different subwindows etc. before you get a sharp image out. Experience of using the algorithm certainly does help in selecting the various input parameters. We are working on improving the algorithm to bring it up to commerical-grade robustness. Please remember that blind deconvolution of images is a very challenging problem that has been around for several decades.

I don't want to be mean but I'd really appreciate it if you could only email me if you are really stuck. I will try and get back to you, but I may take some time as I am busy with other stuff.

?Contents ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  1. Legal blurb regarding the patent filed on this algorithm.
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Academic use
  4. Installing the code
  5. Overall structure of algorithm
  6. Detailed breakdown of parameter script
  7. Hints and tips for using the algorithm.

?1. Legal blurb ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin patent blurb from MIT TLO

  1. A patent has been filed for this algorithm.
  2. It may be used for non-commercial use only.
  3. If you wish to use it commercially, please contact the MIT
     Technology Licensing Office (tlo@mit.edu): 
   Technology Licensing Office
   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
   Five Cambridge Center, Kendall Square
   Room NE25-230
   Cambridge, MA 02142-1493

   Tel: +1 617-253-6966
   Fax: +1 617-258-6790

End patent blurb from MIT TLO

?2. Acknowledgements ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We'd like to acknowledge a variety of people for their help on this project: - David Mackay and James Miskin for graciously allowing us to distribute modified versions of their Variational deblurring algorithm. - Yair Weiss for the Poisson reconstruction code. - Antonio Torralba, Don Geman, Marshall Tappen, Fredo Durand and others for their useful insights and suggestions. - Daniel Dardani and the MIT TLO for their assistance in patenting and licensing issues regarding this algorithm. - Various funding agencies

?3. Academic use of the code ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you use this code to generate results that you use in an academic publication you should include the following citations in your paper (included in Bibtex format for your convenience):

  • The Fergus et al. SIGGRAPH 06 paper:

@article{Fergus06, author = "Fergus, R. and Singh, B. and Hertzmann, A. and Roweis, S. T. and Freeman, W.T.", title = "Removing Camera Shake From A Single Photograph", volume = "25", issue = "3", pages = "787--794", journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics, {SIGGRAPH} 2006 Conference Proceedings, Boston, {MA}", publisher = "ACM Press", year = "2006" }

  • At least one of the following Miskin and Mackay papers:

@incollection{Miskin2000, author = {James Miskin and David J. C. MacKay}, title = {Ensemble {L}earning for {B}lind {I}mage {S}eparation and {D}econvolution}, booktitle = {Adv.~in {I}ndependent {C}omponent {A}nalysis}, editor = {M. Girolani}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = {2000} }

@phdthesis {Miskin2000a, author = "Miskin, James W.", title = {Ensemble Learning for Independent Component Analysis}, school = {University of Cambridge}, year = {2000}, month = {December}, url = {http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/jwm1003/} }

@misc{Miskin_software, author = {James Miskin}, title = {Train Ensemble Library}, howpublished = "\url{http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/jwm1003/train_ensemble.tar.gz}", year = 2000 }

?4. Installing the code ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.1 Platform issues / requirements

- The current implementation is purely in Matlab, so an installation of
  Matlab, along with the Image Processing Toolbox will be
  needed. I've tested the code under Matlab 7.2 and it
  checks out OK., but it should work OK under Matlab 6.5 although
  the included .mat files are V7 format. But you should also read comment 8.6.

- If you haven't got Matlab then I'm afraid you
  can't use the code. Try getting hold of the Matlab student version.
- It should work under Windows/Mac/Linux, although I've only tried
  it under Linux.

- As for hardware issues, any modern machine should be fine. The
  memory requirements of the kernel inference part are minimal, although running
  Matlab's deconvlucy on large (>6 megapixel) images can require a
  lot (>1Gb) memory. The inference is slow, so a fast CPU is a
  good idea. I don't think it can be parallelized easily.

- Hard disk usage: the .mat files generated for each image can be
  quite large due the unnecessary storage of all variables. So you
  might want to have a Gig or two free if you want to run on lots
  of images.

4.2 Unpacking and installing the code

- The code, prior files and demo images and results are all in one
  .zip file, deblurring.zip (available from

- Download this and unzip it somewhere sensible. You should see
  the subdirs: code/ images/ priors/ results/. 
- Ensure that the code/ subdirectory is in your Matlab path.        

4.3 Files not included in the .zip file

- There are certain options in the code (currently disabled)
that require additional software packages. These are:

- Eero Simoncelli's matlabPyrTools routines

?5. Overall structure of the algorithm ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.1 Directory structure

There are 4 subdirectories. code/ holds all the Matlab source code (it should be in your Matlab path). priors/ holds the .mat files specifying the parameters of the mixture of Gaussians priors on image gradients. images/ holds the original images to be deblurred. Three example images are provided - add your own in to the same directory. results/ holds the main input and output files for the algorithm, detailed below.

5.2 File structure

5.2.1 code/

The top-level function is deblur.m This is called with the name of an image script (passed as a string). This runs the multi-scale inference procedure to infer the blur kernel. See section 5.3 for a more detailed explanation.

The core inference algorithm uses source code adapted from James Miskin and David Mackay who have kindly permitted the redistribution of the modified versions of their code. All their files start with 'train_'. They are very dense and most likely unintelligible until you have read the relevant parts of James Miskin's thesis (see Bibtex reference in section 3.) Please see the header comments in each file for more details.

fiddle_lucy3.m is the routine that runs Richardson-Lucy and can be set to save the resulting deblurred output to disk. See comments at top of file for the various options.

fiddle_lucy4.m - same as fiddle_lucy3.m but runs only on the intensity channel. For small blurs, this can help reduce the amount of chrominance noise.

deconvlucy_intens.m runs deconvlucy on intensity channel in YIQ colorspace. Used by fiddle_lcuy4.m

initialize_parameters2.m is the routine the initializes the gradient image and kernel estimate at each scale.

move_level.m does the upsampling after inference at each scale.

GaussianMixtures1D.m, mix_exponentials.m are used to estimate the prior parameters via EM. They are called by estimate_priors2.m (this file is a real mess, sorry).

plotgray.m is a useful utility to inspect progress during inference.

reconsEdge3.m and invDel2.m are two files written by Yair Weiss that do a Poisson reconstruction from image gradients. Thanks to him for letting me use it.

The remaining files are just various utilities.

5.2.2 priors/

linear_street_4.mat - default priors file. 4 component mixtures of Gaussians prior estimated from a typical street scene image using linearized intensities.

linear_whiteboard_4.mat - alternate priors file. 4 component mixtures of Gaussians prior estimated from an image of a lab whiteboard with text/equations on it, image using linearized intensities.

5.2.3 images/

ian1.jpg - blurry bird picture used in SIGGRAPH 06 presentation

lyndsey2.jpg - blurry statue picture used in SIGGRAPH 06 presentation

5.2.4 results/

ian1.m - image script file for ian1.jpg ian1_final.jpg - deblurred output from ian1.jpg ian1_kernel.eps - inferred kernel from ian1.jpg

lyndsey2.m - image script file for lyndsey2.jpg lyndsey2_final.jpg - deblurred output from lyndsey2.jpg lyndsey2_kernel.eps - inferred kernel from lyndsey2.jpg

When running the code you will see tmp_<script name>.mat files appearing in this directory. These may be deleted once inference has finished.

5.3 How to use the code

Each image you deblur should have a separate image script file (which is a Matlab .m file). Running this generates a .mat file with the same name holding all parameters and input variables that the algorithm will use. The script file is designed to ensure the repeatability of each experiment.

Having generated the .mat file, deblur.m is called with the filename of the .mat file passed in as the only input. This calls the inference and save the estimate of the kernel and the deblurred image into the same .mat file. The results may be viewed using the "plotgray" function.

Here is a run-though of the algorithm from start to end:

1 Copy your blurred image into images/ (e.g. rob1.jpg) 2. Make a copy of one of the example image scripts in results/ (e.g. 'cp ian1.m rob1.m' if you are using Linux) 3. Edit new image script (e.g. rob1.m), changing the following settings: - obs_im to reflect new file name (e.g. obs_im = '../images/rob1.jpg';) - AXIS to reflect the area of the image to use for inference. You may want to load up in the image in Matlab, display it and zoom in to find a suitable region. You can get the current axis limits with the command 'round(axis)'. Cut'n'paste the values into the AXIS setting. - Set BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE by finding a blurred edge somewhere in the image and estimating the size of the blur. Always be generous - its better to give a larger value than a smaller one. Minimum sensible values would be around 11 or so. Max. sensible values 50-60 or so. - Set initial orientation (FIRST_INIT_MODE_BLUR) by examining the rough direction of the blur in the image (horizontal or vertical). This one isn't too important. If you're not sure, you can specify a delta function. - If the image is very large you might want to reduce it by setting PRESCALE to be less than 1. 4. Run the image script at your Matlab prompt (e.g. 'rob1'), while in the results/ subdirectory. This should generate rob1.mat 5. Run main inference algorithm with "deblur(<script_name>)", e.g. "deblur('rob1')" 6. Check on progress as it runs by examining the tmp_<script_name>.mat file using "plotgray(<script_name>)", e.g. "plotgray('rob1')". 7. When it has finished the final results may be viewed with the same "plotgray(<script_name>)" command. If called with an additional flag parameter ("plotgray(<script_name>,1)") it will save the kernel and deblurred image out to disk. 8. If you want to play around with the parameters of the Richardson-Lucy algorithm, for example using more iterations, or dropping down a resolution level, then use the "fiddle_lucy3" function, e.g. "fiddle_lucy3('rob1',20)".

?6. Details of the parameters script ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The script contains all the parameters used by the algorithm. This is to ensure that each run is entirely repeatable. We now go through all the different parameters listing what they do.

6.1 User specified parameters

As mentioned, the algorithm isn't quite fully automatic, so you do need to set some parameters by hand. Typically these are fairly easy to set once you get the hang of things.

6.1.1 AXIS - 4x1 integer vector. Specifies the subregion of the image to use for inferring the kernel. Format is [x_min x_max y_min y_max]. These are the coords AFTER any pre-scaling of the image with PRESCALE has been applied.

6.1.2 BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE - integer. Size of blur kernel at full resolution (after PRESCALE has been applied) in pixels. i.e. 31 will infer a 31x31 pixel kernel. Although it will probably work it is best to use an odd value as it gives a distinct center pixels. This parameters indirectly controls the number of scale levels to use in inference (along with RESIZE_STEP).

6.1.3 FIRST_INIT_MODE_BLUR - string. Possible values {'hbar'?vbar'?delta'}. Sets the initial 3x3 kernel that will be used for inference at the 1st scale level. 'hbar' is a horizontal bar (i.e. [0 0 0 ; 1 1 1 ; 0 0 0]/3). 'vbar' is a vertical bar (i.e. 'hbar' rotated through 90 degrees). 'delta' is a delta function kernel.

6.1.4 obs_im - string. Filename of image to deblur. Can be any format that Matlab can handle. If using a RAW file, please convert it first to a 16-bit TIFF, and set obs_im to be its filename, and then change GAMMA_CORRECTION to 1 (it is assumed that the TIFF has values in the range 0 to 65535 since a 1/256 scaling will be applied).

6.1.5 PRESCALE - float in range 0 to 1. Prescaling for obs_im. Sometimes it is quicker/easier to work with smaller images than the full resolution of obs_im (i.e. if you are 6 megapixels or more things can get slow and tedious). By setting this value to less than 1, the image will be subsampled using imresize before being passed into the algorithm. e.g. PRESCALE = 0.25 will reduce the size of obs_im by a factor of 4. Another time you may want to use it is if you have an image with a really huge blur (100+ pixels). In these cases the inference typically fails, but if you subsample the image first, the blur will be of a more manageable size.

6.2 Lucy-Richardson parameters

These parameters only relate to the application of the Richardson-Lucy algorithm to the blurry image, using the inferred kernel. The play no role in the actual inference stage itself. Since the operation of RL is somewhat dependent on the shape of the kernel itself, some manual control may be needed to get the best results. The following parameters are the most important ones.

Of course, we are working on doing away with RL altogether, so this stage of the algorithm should be regarded as a stop-gap measure.

6.2.1 LUCY_ITS - integer. Default = 10. Sensible values 5 to 30. Number of Lucy-Richardson iterations to use when unblurring the image using the inferred kernel. 10 is the default but if the kernel is very long and thin you might need more. If you turn it up too much it amplifies the noise in the image.

6.2.2 SCALE_OFFSET - integer. Default = 0. Sometimes it may not be possible to deblur the image at full resolution due to high noise levels (see discussion in 7.3). If this is the case, you can tell the fiddle_lucy3 function to use a coarser scale. The value of SCALE_OFFSET dictates how many scale levels you drop down before selecting the kernel. i.e. SCALE_OFFSET = 1 will use a kernel that is one scale level (RESIZE_STEP smaller) than the full resolution kernel.

6.2.3 KERNEL_THRESHOLD - float. Default = 7, sensible range is 5 to 15. This is a threshold on kernel intensities, applied after the whole inference stage, designed to remove noise from the kernel. It is a dynamic threshold which is the percentage of the maximum value of the kernel. Since it is a bit dependent on the intensity profile of the kernel, some manual tuning may be needed to get the optimal value. If you don't want to use the threshold at all, set it to a large number (i.e. 100). If you set it too high, it will start to erode the structure of the kernel. This parameter is a bit of a hack - in reality you shouldn't need it, but it can make quite a bit of difference if the inferred kernel is noisy.

6.3 Semi-fixed parameters

Occasionally if you are getting no sensible results despite playing with the parameters in 6.1 you might want to try changing a few other parameters to see if they help. These are listed below in rough order of importance.

6.3.1 PRIOR_TYPE - string. Possible values {'street' ?'whiteboard' }. Prior file to use. In priors/ are two files with the parameters of a mixture of Gaussians fit to the image gradients from different scenes. 'street' selects the parameters estimated from a typical street scene and should be used by default for most images. If you want to use a region of the image which is mainly text (i.e. binary valued in nature) then you might want to try the 'whiteboard' option. These parameters were estimated from an image of a whiteboard with text written on in dark colors. Note that both sets of parameters were estimated using linear gradients (i.e. once gamma correction was removed).

6.3.2 SPECIFIC_COLOR_CHANNEL - integer {0,1,2,3}. Allows you to run inference using all 3 or just one of the colors channels. The default is 0 which converts the RGB image to grayscale using a slightly modified version of rgb2gray (one that understands about saturation). 1 selects just the red channel. 2 selects just the green channel, 3 selects just the blue channel. This option might be useful in night shots when the red and green channels may often be saturated but the blue one may not be.

6.3.3 GAMMA_CORRECTION - float. Default = 2.2. Value of gamma used in gamma correction. If a RAW file is being deblurred, please change this to 1.0.

6.3.4 SATURATION_THRESHOLD - integer 0-255. Intensity value above which pixels will be masked out by the saturation mask (i.e. not used in inference).

6.3.5 CAMERA_TYPE - string. Default = 'unknown'. If you have computed the tone response map for a specific camera (they are unique to each model of camera) then this option allows you to use this response map to linearize the intensities of the image. No such files are provided with the distribution, but you may wish to build your own.

6.3.6 AUTOMATIC_PATCH - binary value. I have written a crude algorithm that uses a variety of heuristics to automatically select the region of the image to use for inferring the kernel. Setting this parameters to 0 turns it off (so the AXIS value above is used). Setting it to 1 turns the automatic selection on. Default if 0 (off).

6.3.7 SYNTHETIC - binary value. Default = 0. Lets the algorithm know that the image provided is actually not blurred and so it should synthetically blur it. This was used in testing, but should be left set a 0 for all real images.

6.3.8 BLUR_LOCK - binary value. Default =1. Turns off/on blur kernel priors. If off, inference algorithm of Miskin and Mackay will try to infer the kernel prior. If on, it uses the parameters previously estimated. If you kernel is super-weird then turning this might help, but its not likely.

6.3.9 CENTER_BLUR - binary value. Default = 1. Turns off/on the automatic centering of the blur kernel estimate after inference at each scale. This ensures most of the kernel mass is nice and central. Occasionally you might need to turn this off if you have a long thin tail to the kernel that carries little mass, but I recommend just increasing the size of BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE.

6.4 Fixed parameters

There are quite a few parameters that should be left fixed to the values they are set at in the example scripts provided. If I have the time/energy at some point I will document them individually, but for now just leave anything below the "Fixed parameters" comment alone.

?7. Hints and Tips ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.1 Saturation A bad, bad thing that screws up the algorithm. Try to select a region without any saturation (i.e. pixels over 250 in intensity or so). There is a mask that is supposed to take out saturated pixels but I think there may be some bug with it. You can sometimes avoid saturation by using only one of the color channel (see the SPECIFIC_COLOR_CHANNEL parameters).

Richardson-Lucy also can't handle saturation - it will produce
nasty color fringes.

7.2 Kernel size Always make it quite a bit bigger (30-50% or so) than the guessed kernel size. Algorithm doesn't seem too sensitive to the exact size as long as it is larger than the kernel.

7.3 Picking the region The algorithm is somewhat sensitive unfortunately to the exact region picked. Some rough guidelines to picking a good region include: - Avoid saturation - Areas with nice structured edges - Point sources can be used provided they aren't saturated. - Text regions can also be good but change the PRIOR_TYPE to 'whiteboard' - Size of the region: larger is usually better but it takes longer. - See the examples in the SIGGRAPH paper and slides.

7.4 Initialization Algorithm doesn't seem to be too sensitive to this. If you aren't too sure just set FIRST_INIT_MODE_BLUR to 'delta'.

7.5 Image noise This can be a real problem and is something on which we are currently working. This problem wasn't mentioned in the paper as it didn't become apparent until we had applied that algorithm to a wide range of images.

If the image is very noisy then the noise model tends to breakdown at the fine scale (i.e. towards end of the scale sequence) and the kernel can "evaporate" into noise. This is due the simple Gaussian model not being able to handle the blocky jpeg artifacts. Intuitively, at coarse scales the downsampling removes the effects of noise but at fine scales, the jpeg block boundaries become visible and generate spurious image gradients, i.e. that don't belong to any actual structure within the image, confusing the algorithm. HENCE, YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO DEBLUR THE IMAGE AT FULL RESOLUTION.

There isn't really any sensible fix for this. One easy option is to subsample the image with PRESCALE before starting. You won't have such a high-res output, but at least you will have something. Alternatively, run using the full resolution and then use the SCALE_OFFSET variable to deblur at whatever resolution the algorithm worked up until.

Images from high quality cameras tend to have lower noise than cheap devices due to the large sensor area and pixel sizes. Hence images from DSLR's usually have no noise problems but those from cell phones can be problematic.

Images taken at night are problematic for noise reasons: the automatic grain control on most cameras ramps right up to maximum gain and tends to give horrendous noise in the dark areas of the image, while the bright areas all tend to be saturated. This usually leaves very little of the image which can be used to infer the kernel.

7.6 Checking on progress When you are running the code, it can takes some time. Depending on the size of the area selected it could be anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour or so. I do recommend using the plotgray function to examine the progress of the algorithm.

?8. Frequently asked questions

8.1 Q: Richardson-Lucy Where can I find an explanation of it? A: Matlab's deconvlucy is an adaptive damped version of the algorithm. An explanation of something pretty close to it can be found at: http://www.stsci.edu/stsci/meetings/irw/proceedings/whiter_damped.dir/whiter_damped.html

8.2 Q: How do I generate and run on synthetic images?
A: The code used to be able to run in synthetic mode by changing SYNTHETIC to 1 but I haven't used this feature in a while and so it may need a little debugging. In this mode a sharp image is manually blurred and then deblurred again. Although this is a good sanity check in that you can successfully unblur images that obey your formation model, it doesn't tell you how it will work on real images. These contain all kinds of weird non-linearities that can screw over your algorithm. Too many papers on blind-deconvolution only test on synthetic data. In my opinion, who cares about unblurring synthetically blurred images? You want to unblur real images, for which there is no sharp version in existence.

8.3 Q: Richardson-Lucy is so old and dumb - it has no image prior! Why don't you use something better? A: We tried lots of different things. They didn't do significantly better than RL and typically took much longer. Many approaches do just great on synthetic cases but fall over badly on real data. However, we have been working on this and hope to publish something soon.

8.4 Q: Why is there so much noise in deblurred image?
A: Richardson-Lucy doesn't have an explicit image prior (it has an implicit prior by damping the reconstruction in an attempt to reduce noise, but it isn't a real image prior). Running RL for more iterations makes the image sharper but increases the noise levels and the ringing artifacts. One particularly noticeable aspect of the noise is the colored speckles. These may be removed fairly effectively by applying a median filter to the chrominance channels of the image. I've not included this in the code since the aim of this code distribution is to show the raw output of the algorithm.

8.5. Q: What about these ringing artifacts in the deblurred image? A: See 8.3 and 8.4. We have been working on it and will publish something soon.

8.6 Q: Is the algorithm deterministic? A: Yes, given an identical image script file and input image. I found that I get very slightly different results if I use Matlab 6.5sp1 vs Matlab 7.2. Bizzarrely, in Matlab 6.5, the uint8() function acts as floor(), while in Matlab 7.2 it acts as round(). Weird.

8.7 Q: You algorithm does not work on my images! A: Please understand this raw research: there are many problems and limitations of the algorithm as it stands. We are currently working to make it more robust and extend its applicability. But is important to understand the limitations of the algorithm, at present: 1. It can only remove specific types of blur - it won't work with out-of-focus blur, or when the camera movement had large in plane rotation component (check the blur pattern in two opposite corners - if they look very different, you have a large in-plane rotation). If you wave the camera around at night with the shutter open for 10 seconds, its not going to work either! The practical maximum blurs I've managed to remove are in the range 50-60 pixels across. 2. If you have high image noise then it isn't going to unblur at the full resolution, see 7.5. 3. The algorithm it not totally automatic - most notably, it is senstive to the region selected. Try finding regions where you can see the blur fairly clearly. Try using a window of at least 200x200 pixels or so. 4. Night images are particuarly hard (see 7.5 again).

8.8 Q: I've written my own deblurring algorithm and it works much better than yours. A: Great, you should submit a paper explaning your algorithm and showing results on real images to an academic conference. That way you can tell everyone about your approach and help the community make progress on this challenging problem. If you file a patent before you publish your paper, your invention will be protected.