
Some special ebooks



中文名 | 英文名 | 作者

不确定世界的理性选择Rational Choice in an Uncertain WorldReid Hastie

亲密关系 (Intimate Relationship) Rowland S. Miller

什么是数学What Is MathematicsRichard Courant&Herbert Robbins

你一生的故事Stories of Your Life and OthersTed Chiang

千面英雄The Hero with a Thousand FacesJoseph Campbell

哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden BraiDouglas Richard Hofstadter

复杂Complexity:The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos M.Mitchell Waldrop

失控Out of ControlKevin Kelly

女人的起源The Descent of WomanElaine Morgan

如何阅读一本书How to Read a BookMortimer J. Adler&Charles Van Doren

态度改变与社会影响The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social InfluencePhilip G. Zimbardo

我的经验与教训What It Takes:Lessons in the Pursuit of ExcellenceStephen A. Schwarzman

有限和无限的游戏Finite and Infinite GamesJames P.Carse

枪炮、病菌与钢铁Guns, Germs and SteelJared Diamond

永久档案Permanent RecordEdward Snowden

理解人性Understanding human natureAlfred Adler

社会心理学Social PsychologyDavid Myers

科学革命的结构The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThomas S. Kuhn&Ian Hacking

经验的疆界The Ambiguities of ExperienceJames G. March

论系统工程 钱学森

货币的非国家化Denationalization of MoneyFriedrich August von Hayek

跨越鸿沟Crossing the chasmGeoffrey Moore
