

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



What is this

This repository is a tool which helps you create your lrc file.

why lrc-maker

It's hard to find a user-friendly and cross-platform tool to create lrc. So I made one myself.

How to use

open lrc-maker to start. You can add the link to browser bookmark. It is easy to use.
Darg and drop the file in the page to load an audio file.
Use the arrow key and space key to insert the timestamp.


key function
space insert time stamp tag
delete / +delete remove time stamp tag
ctrl+enter / +return play / pause
/ a step backward 5 seconds
/ d step forward 5 seconds
/ w / j select previous line
/ s / k select next line
ctrl+ / + speed up playback rate
ctrl+ / + speed down playback rate
r reset playback rate


The most modern browsers are supported. The current version uses a lot of modern browser APIs to improve performance and improve the user experience. This project uses the ES Module to load the script code, which means that the browser version should meet the following requirements.

browser version
EDGE >= 16
Firefox >= 60
Chrome >= 61
Safari >= 11
ios_saf >= 11
The current version of Edge should be supported theoretically, but there are unexplained reasons for the code to not run after loading. This problem is left to be observed after the Edge with the V8 kernel is released.

Limited support for EDGE browsers.

The browsers which do not have ES Module support will load the fallback script. Note: The fallback is not tested. The old browsers may encounter CSS layout confusion.

Ancient browsers such as IE are no longer supported. If you are an ancient browser user, it is better to use the old version of this project.


If you want to run this project on your computer locally, follow the tips.

# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/magic-akari/lrc-maker.git

cd lrc-maker

# install dependencies
npm i

# build
npm run build

# or build with watch mode
npm start

This project does not configure a local server, and a plugin for vscode (Live Server) is used in actual development.

The configs of Live Server is as following.

    "liveServer.settings.root": "/build",
    "liveServer.settings.mount": [
        ["/node_modules", "./node_modules"],
        ["/src", "./src"]

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按键 功能
space 插入时间标签
delete / +delete 移除时间标签
ctrl+enter / +return 播放 / 暂停
/ a 回退 5 秒
/ d 前进 5 秒
/ w / j 选择上一行
/ s / k 选择下一行
ctrl+ / + 提高播放速度
ctrl+ / + 降低播放速度
r 重置播放速度


本项目的目标是兼容大部分现代浏览器,当前版本使用了很多的现代浏览器 API 来提升效能,改善用户体验。 本项目使用了 ES Module 来加载代码,这意味着浏览器的版本应该满足下列要求。

浏览器 版本
EDGE >= 16
Firefox >= 60
Chrome >= 61
Safari >= 11
ios_saf >= 11
当前版本的 Edge 理论上应该支持,但是目前有不明原因导致代码加载后没有运行,这个问题留到 V8 内核的 Edge 发布后再做观察。

对 EDGE 浏览器低限度支持。

对于没有 ES Module 支持的浏览器,仍然做了回退处理以便正常使用。注意:此部分没有进行测试,旧浏览器仍然可能遇到 css 的布局错乱问题。

IE 等旧浏览器不再支持。对于这类浏览器使用者,可以使用本项目的旧版本



# 克隆这个仓库
git clone https://github.com/magic-akari/lrc-maker.git

cd lrc-maker

# 安装依赖
npm i

# 构建
npm run build

# 开发模式构建
npm start

本项目没有配置本地服务器,实际开发中使用了 vs code 的插件 Live Server 并使用了以下配置。

    "liveServer.settings.root": "/build",
    "liveServer.settings.mount": [
        ["/node_modules", "./node_modules"],
        ["/src", "./src"]

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