
Implemented in Netbeans + GlassFish + Jersey 2.5.1 The server program is in TicketRESTserver folder and client is in TicketRESTclient. Remember that Jdom.jar should be included in the server program. Deploy the service first, sample data xml files should be put in {glassfish_server}/glassfish/domains/domain1/config

All services in HW3 are rewritten in RESTful style. New function is added in order to use all of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods.

Services: ../User GET Login service

../User Delete Delete account

../User PUT Change password or create a new account

../Booking/booking POST Book for a trip, get a booking reference

../Booking/issue POST Issue ticket with valid booking reference and get ticket number

../Query/Route GET Search for possible route from an original to destination

../Query/Data GET Search for valid seat and price for a route in certain date

All services above is using QueryParam to pass parameters for the operations The use of client is nothing different from HW2.