
The repository contains source code for the book CppConcurrencyInAction. My notes are here

There are some basic thread safe data structures in first part, such as threadsafe_stack, threadsafe_queue.

There is a bug of threadsafe_lookup_table in the book. I fix it in the code with adding an overload function for find_entry_for with const_iterator.

// overload for const_iterator
bucket_const_iterator find_entry_for(Key const& key) const {
    return std::find_if(data.begin(), data.end(), [&key](bucket_value const& item){ return item.first == key;});

As for std::packaged_task, we should provide it with function signature, but std::packaged_task doesn't work. I found a useful stackoverflow link which solved this problem.

template<typename FunctionType>
std::future<typename std::result_of<FunctionType()>::type>  submit(FunctionType f){
    typedef typename std::result_of<FunctionType()>::type result_type;

    std::packaged_task<result_type()> task(f);     // TODO, must use result_type(Args), or it will not work
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22709480/template-with-packaged-task-not-compile

    std::future<result_type> res(task.get_future());
    return res;

function_wrapper is very useful to wrap some uncopyable object.

class function_wrapper{
    struct impl_base{
        virtual void call() = 0;
        virtual ~impl_base(){}

    template<typename F>
    struct impl_type: impl_base{
        F f;
        impl_type(F &&f_): f(std::move(f_)){}
        void  call() override {f();}

    std::unique_ptr<impl_base> impl;

    template<typename F>
    function_wrapper(F &&f): impl(new impl_type<F>(std::move(f))){}

    void operator()(){
    function_wrapper() = default;
    function_wrapper(function_wrapper &&other): impl(std::move(other.impl)){

    function_wrapper& operator=(function_wrapper &&other){
        impl = std::move(other.impl);
        return *this;
    function_wrapper(const function_wrapper&) = delete;
    function_wrapper(function_wrapper&) = delete;
    function_wrapper& operator=(const function_wrapper&) = delete;


Some unexpected problems have appeared in parallel_quicksort: You can reproduce the problem by running quicksort_test.cpp with command:

# cd /path/to/project
g++ quicksort_test.cpp -std=c++17 -I . -lpthread

When I set int N = 10000; to a larger value, eg N = 20000, the algorithm quicksort_using_chunk and quicksort_using_pool will crash down. Perhaps it's due to that the process reached the maximum physical memory.


  • basic thread safe structures
  • concurrent algorithms
  • thread pool with three variants